

  • 完形填空
    I worked in a shop three years ago. A girl started working there a few months after me. I met her often but we never t_小题1:_. We just saw each o__小题2:__ and smiled.
    She would always smile in a really happy way until one day when we got to work in the same department again. She smiled as if she was the h___小题3:___ girl in the world. I went up to her and asked, “What’s w___小题4:___ with you?” She answered, “Why?” I said, “I can feel you’re very sad but you’re always t___小题5:___ to hide it.” Her mouth just dropped as if I had discovered her deepest s___小题6:____, so we started talking. She told me why she was feeling like that and why she was trying to hide it. Time w__小题7:___ by and we became good friends. Later she said that I had changed her life in many w__小题8:__. Today this girl is one of my best friends. She has been there for me in every possible way a friend could be.
    I guess what I’m trying to say is that you never know when you’re helping y___小题9:___. I helped this girl never knowing that at the same time I was helping myself by finding a t___小题10:___ friend.

    本题信息:英语完形填空难度一般 来源:未知
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本试题 “根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限一词。I worked in a shop three years ago. A girl started working there a few months a...” 主要考查您对


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