

  • 填空题
    Steve Jobs (乔布斯) died last month at the age of 56, after fighting against cancer(癌症). Millions of
    people around the world felt sad. He was a businessman, but he was the "Michael Jackson" of
    businessman. His Apple products(产品) were like songs that touched people's hearts and c__1__ their
    Jobs was not an inventor, but he made Apple products have great style and easy for people to use.
    Apple products s__2__cool! The iMac, iPod, iPhone and iPad were always the coolest products on the
    Steve Jobs was also a good e__3__ of "The American Dream". He grew up in a working class
    family in California. He didn't have a good e__4__. Instead, he left the college early and started Apple in
    his home. But his success was soon f__5__ by bad news.
    Jobs was s__6__ working as CEO of the company in 1985, but that setback(挫折) did not stop him.
    Jobs b__7__ a new computer company and also startedPixar.It produced the filmsToy Storyand
    Finding Nemo. Later, Jobs was brought back to s__8__  Apple-and he did it!
    Jobs is a great role model for young people. He had a dream and he took chances (even foolish
    chances) to realize that dream. He suffered (遭受)setbacks in business and in his h__9__, but nothing
    could stop him m__10__ his dream come true. In the end, he left some words for the young: "Stay
    hungry, stay foolish!"
    1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______
    6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______
    本题信息:2012年江苏期中题英语填空题难度较难 来源:文增丽
  • 本题答案
本试题 “缺词填空Steve Jobs (乔布斯) died last month at the age of 56, after fighting against cancer(癌症). Millions ofpeople around the world felt sad. He ...” 主要考查您对


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