

  • 阅读理解
    Parsley (欧芹)  is an ancient green and a respected addition to many foods.But at other times, its job
    is just to make a mealtime plate look pretty.Poor parsley, valued for its looks, then is thrown away.Yet
    parsley is a good source of vitamins and other nutrients.The taste is a little strong for some people, but
    others chew on parsley to freshen their breath.
    Curly parsley is the king that often ends up being used just for appearance.Flatleaf parsley is easier to
    work with for cooking.This kind is often called Italian or French parsley.Do you know about a third kind
    of parsley?Hamburg parsley has flat leaves that can be used for the same purposes as other parsley.But
    hamburg parsley has a large root which is used as a vegetable to add flavor to soups.
    Parsley is used in foods such as tabouli, a traditional Lebanese salad and is often served with lamb,
    fish and beef dishes.Parsley is a herb if you use just the greens.If the root is used, then parsley is
    considered a vegetable.
    Some gardeners suggest that to get the besttasting parsley, you should plant new seeds every year.
    You can get parsley to grow faster by pouring warm water over the seeds.Leave the seeds in the water
    overnight.Then you can grow them in containers indoors or plant them outside.Parsley grows best when
    temperatures are below twentyone degrees Celsius.It likes to grow in sunny places.The seeds need rich
    soil.Plant the seeds about fifteen to twentyfive centimeters apart.Water them regularly during the first
    month.After that, parsley does not need very much water.You can harvest parsley by cutting most of the
    plant or leave more of the plant in the ground for a second crop.

    1. From the passage we can learn that________.

    A. people don't like parsley's strong taste at all
    B. people don't attach great importance to parsley's value
    C. parsley has been widely planted in the world
    D. only ancient people used parsley as an addition

    2. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

    A. The Planting of Parsley
    B. To Parsley's Regret
    C. Parsley
    D. The Use of Parsley

    3. It seems________to the writer that parsley is valued for its looks.

    A. regretful
    B. unbelievable
    C. confusing
    D. doubtful

    4. The last paragraph mainly deals with________.
    A. how to use parsley
    B. whether people like parsley
    C. how to plant parsley
    D. how the author feels about parsley
    本题信息:2011年福建省同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:耿辉(高中英语)
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本试题 “阅读理解Parsley (欧芹) is an ancient green and a respected addition to many foods.But at other times, its jobis just to make a mealtime plate look ...” 主要考查您对


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