

  • 完形填空
    Ole Bull was a very famous violinist from Norway. He really   1   to play the violin,   2   his father
    thought that playing the violin wasn't useful, so he sent him to university to study.
    However, playing the violin   3   Ole Bull very much and to be a violinist was his dream. He didn't
    want to   4   his dream. So he left university before he finished his   5   . And then he   6  all his time and
    energy practicing the violin. Unfortunately, his violin tutor wasn't excellent, and his teaching didn't suit him
    very   7   . So when it was time for him to start his   8  tour, he still couldn't play the violin very well.
    What's worse, a Milan newspaper critic (评论员) criticized him and  9   that he was an untrained
    violinist. The critic said, "  10 he's gold, he's not ready to shine yet."
    When facing this kind of problem, one group of people may become  11  , of course, and the other
    group of people may try to learn from it. Luckily, Ole Bull  12  the second group. He went to the
    newspaper office and found the critic.  13  being angry, he listened to the man's advice.
    After he met the critic, he gave up his concerts. Then he went back to practice the violin  14  the
    help of some good tutors. In the end, he got a great  15  when he was only 26. He became one of the
    most famous violinists in the world.
    (     )1. A. disliked  
    (     )2. A. but        
    (     )3. A. surprised  
    (     )4. A. make up    
    (     )5. A. courses    
    (     )6. A. cost      
    (     )7. A. quickly    
    (     )8. A. concert    
    (     )9. A. hoped      
    (     )10. A. When      
    (     )11. A. happy    
    (     )12. A. joined in
    (     )13. A. Instead  
    (     )14. A. from      
    (     )15. A. pity      
    B. preferred  
    B. though      
    B. impressed  
    B. end up      
    B. matches    
    B. paid        
    B. terribly    
    B. speech      
    B. suggested  
    B. If          
    B. sleepy      
    B. belonged to
    B. Because of  
    B. under      
    B. solution    
    C. enjoyed    
    C. unless      
    C. interested  
    C. grow up    
    C. homework    
    C. spent      
    C. badly      
    C. display    
    C. regarded    
    C. Unless      
    C. confident  
    C. cared about
    C. Instead of  
    C. for        
    C. success    
    D. decided          
    D. because          
    D. annoyed          
    D. give up          
    D. research        
    D. volunteered      
    D. fine            
    D. entertainment    
    D. expected        
    D. Since            
    D. frustrated      
    D. concentrated on  
    D. Because          
    D. with            
    D. development      

    本题信息:2012年同步题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:段秀玲
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读下列短文,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Ole Bull was a very famous violinist from Norway. He really 1 to play the violin, 2 his fatherthought t...” 主要考查您对


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