

  • 阅读理解
    For most people, the word "fashion" means "clothes", and people may ask the question," What clothes
    are in fashion this year?" And they often use the word"fashionable" in the same way.."She was wearing a
    fashionable coat," or "His shirt is really a fashionable color."
    Of course there are fashions in many things, not only in clothes. There are fashions in holidays, in
    restaurants, in films and in books. There are even fashions in school subjects, jobs and in languages.
    Fashions change as time goes by. If you look at pictures of people or things from the past, you will see
    that fashions have always changed. An English hduse of 1750 was not the same as one of 1650. A fashionable
    man in 1780 looked very different from his grandson in 1860.
    Today fashions change very quickly. Some of this is natural. We hear about things much more quickly
    than in the past. Newspapers, radios, telephones and televisions can now send information from one country
    to another within a few hours.
    New fashions mean that people will buy new things r so, as you can see, there is a lot of money in fashion.
    1. From this passage we know that "fashion" means _________.
    A. new clothes only
    B. popular things
    C. everything
    2. Which of the following things is fashionable today?
    A. Surfing on the Internet.
    B. An English house of 1650.
    C. Clothes made in 1780.
    3. Today fashions change very quickly because ________.
    A. radios send information from one country to another within several days
    B. new things that people like are not often shown on TV
    C. people can quickly learn what is happening in the world
    4. "There is money in fashion" means ________.
    A. money can be made in fashion.
    B. people like new things
    C. People will spend much money buying new things
    5. What is the best title for this passage?
    A. Fashions and Clothes
    B. What Is Fashion?
    C. Money in Fashion
    本题信息:2008年四川省中考真题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:张琳贺
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本试题 “阅读理解。For most people, the word "fashion" means "clothes", and people may ask the question," What clothesare in fashion this year?" And they of...” 主要考查您对


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