

  • 阅读理解
    If I left the decisions up to my daughter, she'd never play competitive sports. In her first season of
    forced sports, when she was four years old, she cried every time she kicked the soccer ball. She stopped on the way from the parking lot to the soccer field, wailing that her legs hurt. And worse, she cried, "I'm
    A few years have passed, and she just completed her fourth soccer season. She's starting her second
    year of softball. Sportstrophies(奖杯) line her window platform.
    I learned from the years of football, soccer and baseball in my son's youth that kids need to experience being on a team, and they might not beg you to sign them up. You might have to force it on them.
    They need to learn about sacrificing, and about commitment. If you read parenting articles out there,
    you'll find plenty of folks who shy away from competitive sports because they want their kid to always feel like a winner. I don't know what kind ofidyllic(田园的) life these parents must be leading, but in my
    world, I'm thinking I need to sign my kids up for something that will teach them about life's devastating
    Hence, I think my daughter picked up some good life lessons when her team lost almost every game in the last season. Sometimes life is like that. Sometimes you get a bad call, the people on your team suck, you're tired and don't feel like playing, the coach is mean to you, someone scratches your face and steals the ball. And the next week, you put on your uniform, and try your best.
    1. What attitude does the author have towards competitive sports?
    A. He supports children in taking part in competitive sports.
    B. He doesn't like competitive sports himself.
    C. He doubts whether competitive sports can really benefit children.
    D. He believes competitive sports are not suitable for young children.
    2. What do we know about the author's daughter?
    A. She hates the author signing her up for competitive sports.
    B. She hasn't realized the importance of competitive sports.
    C. She wants to give up competitive sports.
    D. She now likes competitive sports.
    3. What should we do if a child doesn't like competitive sports, according to the author?
    A. Get him interested in sports first.
    B. Sign him up for competitive sports.
    C. Leave him alone.
    D. Give him some trophies first.
    4. In what way is life similar to sports?
    A. They both mean a lot to children.
    B. They both need great courage.
    C. They are both full of hard times.
    D. They both can teach children good lessons.
    5. We can infer from the fourth paragraph that competitive sports      .
    A. can destroy a child's feeling of success
    B. are sometimes too cruel to children
    C. have already been accepted by most parents
    D. can prepare kids for the realities of life
    本题信息:2012年天津同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:张连飘(高中英语)
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