

  • 阅读理解
    When Josephine Cooper was growing up, she learned the importance of charity from her parents. Although
    they made a modest living for their family of 10, they insisted on sharing with those less fortunate.
    Half a century later, Mrs. Cooper became a beloved volunteer at the San Diego Food Bank, where she
    devoted herself to helping others. She organized and ran a distribution center from a church, helping it become
    the organization's largest emergency food distribution center in San Diego. She was one of 25 outstanding senior
    volunteers in the nation selected and invited Washington D.C. to receive the award.
    "She was the main person who helped us make that program grow," said Mike Doody, former director of
    the Food Bank. "She had a way of getting people to work together and to work hard. She was determined and
    stubborn, but in a good way. She had a good heart." People knew her as "Grandma" because of her selflessness
    and her devotion to helping hungry children and families. "She reminded people of their Grandma." Doody said.
    As a widow with a young child in 1979, Mrs. Cooper was helped through a difficult financial time when the
    Food Bank provided her with groceries. "She devoted her life to giving back," said her daughter, Monica Cooper. It wasn't unusual for a local church to call Mrs. Cooper to ask her to aid a needy family. "She would give people
    food out of her cupboard. Sometimes we would cook a meal for a family living out of their car," Cooper said.
    Although Mrs. Cooper was honored to receive the national award for her volunteer work, she said being able
    to help others was her reward. She died of liver disease and kidney failure, aged 93.
    1. The underlined word "charity" in Paragraph 1 refers to _____.
    A. offering help
    B. donating money
    C. providing services
    D. showing sympathy
    2. The San Diego Food Bank is meant to _____.
    A. distribute food in case of emergency
    B. help hungry children and families
    C. give basic first-aid treatment
    D. train some senior volunteers
    3. Which of the following is true of Mrs. Cooper?
    A. She died at an early age.
    B. She refused the national award.
    C. She was kind and devoted.
    D. She was not easy to get along with.
    4. From what Monica Cooper said, we know that _____.
    A. she is in financial trouble
    B. she was finally rewarded
    C. she once misunderstood her mother
    D. she thinks highly of her mother
    5. Mrs Cooper's story suggests that _____.
    A. everyone needs a Grandma nearby
    B. children are what their parents are
    C. a Sound mind is in a sound body
    D. a mother's love never changes
    本题信息:2011年模拟题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:张雪
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