

  • 阅读理解
    You find a telephone number in the phone book, dial it, and then forget it. This is your short-term
    memory. It lasts less than 30 seconds. However, you don't look in the phone book for a friend's number. You know it. This is a long-term memory. Your long-term memory has everything that you remember.
    Why do you forget something? Because you do not learn it in the beginning.This is the main reason
    for forgetting. For example, you meet some new people, and you forget their names.You hear the name,
    but you do not learn them. Then you forget them.
    1. How long does your short-term memory last?
    A. As long as you want it to.
    B. Less than thirty seconds.
    C. Sixty seconds.
    D. For a day or two.
    2. Why do you forget?
    A. We use our short-term memory instead of our long-term memory.
    B. We don't learn what we hear or see.
    C. We do not hear or see what we learn.
    D. We are ill sometimes.
    3. What's the phone book used for?
    A. It's used for improving your memory.
    B. It has a listing of friend's names.
    C. You use it when you want to find a phone number you don't know.
    D. You use it to buy a phone.
    4. How can you best remember people's names?
    A. List them down in a phone book.
    B. Learn them.
    C. Just ask them their names again.
    D. Spell their names again and again.
    5. If we want to have a good memory,we should______.
    A. forget the useless things
    B. try our best to learn
    C. depend on our short-term memory
    D. catch our long-term memory
    本题信息:2012年同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:高立宁
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本试题 “阅读理解。You find a telephone number in the phone book, dial it, and then forget it. This is your short-termmemory. It lasts less than 30 seconds....” 主要考查您对


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