

  • 阅读理解
    Barbara and Barry Zucker--- Pinchoff, both doctors from New York City, took their three
    daughters on a walking safari(旅行)last year in Tanzania. Barbara told about their experience in
    Kinbero, "It is the most remote(遥远的)place we have ever been to," camping with a few other
    Americans, two Tanzanian guides, and several Hadza(哈扎人)who had time to sit and chat
    because they had just killed a giraffe.
    About 400 members of the Eastern Hadza tribe(部落)live in Tanzania today, the only
    hunter-gatherers who remain in Africa. The Hadza hunt game, gather edible plants and honey,
    and move from place to place whenever the weather changes. Every two weeks or so, they move
    to a new campsite.
    At the Pinchoffs' campsite, three Hadza men stopped by to visit and ended up staying three
    days. One of the guides gave the men a cigarette. They took out the tobacco, put it in a pipe, and
    lit the pipe with fire they started.
    It takes less than two hours for Hadza women to build a new camp. They make huts(茅屋)by
    bending branches into round structures about six feet high, and then covering them with long,
    golden grass. If the weather is very wet, the women may choose a dry cave to set up a camp. Some
    rock caves have been used over thousands of years and are decorated(装饰)with ancient rock
    paintings. Whether they sleep in huts, caves or in the open, the Hadza cover themselves only with thin
    cloths and depend on fire to keep them warm.
    The Hadza refuse to be "settled" into villages or to have the life of farmers. By 1979, almost all of
    them had returned to their old ways. They Hadza may be the only tribe in Africa that has never paid

    1. The passage mainly tells us         .

    A. one of the author's travel experiences
    B. the life of the Hadza tribe in Tanzania
    C. Barbara's walking safari in Tanzania
    D. the efforts of the Hadza to keep their old ways

    2. What do we know about the life of the Hadza?

    A. They change their campsites regularly.
    B. They live mainly on farming.
    C. They keep warm using leaves at night.
    D. It takes them a long time to set up a camp.

    3. Where do the Hadza live in wet weather?

    A. On the farm.
    B. In huts.
    C. In caves.
    D. In the open.
    本题信息:2011年浙江省期末题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:姜雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读理解Barbara and Barry Zucker--- Pinchoff, both doctors from New York City, took their threedaughters on a walking safari(旅行)last year in Tanz...” 主要考查您对


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