

  • 完形填空
    There is a  1  in our kitchen.There  2  some fruit in it to keep cool. But there aren't any apples  3 
    bananas, so it's not  4  .We have  5  meat and vegetables in a bag. We like to  6  the meat and fish for
    dinner. Near the bag are two boxes. The big  7  is a box of cakes. The small one is a box of tea. Behind
    the boxes are five 8   . Mother loves  9  . She 10 to buy some other food this afternoon.
    (    ) 1. A . table            
    (    ) 2. A . is               
    (    ) 3. A . so               
    (    ) 4. A. small             
    (    ) 5. A. not               
    (    ) 6. A. bring             
    (    ) 7. A. bag               
    (    ) 8. A. bottles of oranges
    (    ) 9. A. cook              
    (    ) 10.A. will              
    B. basket          
    B. are             
    B. but             
    B. full            
    B. many            
    B. use             
    B. one             
    B. bottles of orange
    B. cooking         
    B. goes            
    C. dish             
    C. have             
    C. or               
    C. nice             
    C. much             
    C. take             
    C. ones             
    C. bottle of orange 
    C. cook             
    C. would like       
    D. fridge           
    D. has              
    D. and              
    D. heavy            
    D. lots of          
    D. have             
    D. boxes            
    D. bottle of oranges
    D.  to cook         
    D. like             

    本题信息:2011年江苏期中题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:姜雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空。There is a 1 in our kitchen.There 2 some fruit in it to keep cool. But there aren't any apples 3 bananas, so it's not 4 .We have 5 meat a...” 主要考查您对


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