

  • 完形填空
    My husband has been ill in hospital for two months and I have learned to make do with very little
    (凑合过日子). One Sunday afternoon, I went to buy a  1  for my daughter with my friend.  A woman
    who was also buying books in the bookstore saw me and said, "I  2  you must be having a hard time." I
    just smiled and said, "I'm okay. I have eight dollars and I have food at home, so I'll be  3  ."
    About ten  4  later she came up to me and said, "Can I take a look at the book that you've  5  ? It
    seems very interesting!" I said all right and gave it to her. Just then  6  called me and I immediately went
    out.  7  I returned she thanked me and  8  my book.
    On my way home my friend who was driving said, "You told me you didn't had much  9  ?"  I replied, "I don't."
    She said, "Oh yes, you do!" Iassured(向……保证) her I  10  had two dollars left, but still she
    insisted I  11 plenty of money.
    "Look at your book in your bag," she  12  . "There's a hundred dollar bill in it." I turned over the
    page and got so  13  ! There actually was a hundred dollar  14  that seemed to have fallen out of my
    I  15  her, very surprised, and said, "I don't know  16  that came from. I have no idea because I
    certainly did not have a hundred  17  !"
    I thought and thought about the money for days after that. Then I realized it must have come from
      18  who asked to borrow my book in the bookstore. How  19  of her! And what a wonderful gift
    to  20  when I am down to my last two dollars!
    (     )1. A. storybook
    (     )2. A. suggest
    (     )3. A. sad       
    (     )4. A. hours    
    (     )5. A. written  
    (     )6. A. someone  
    (     )7. A. Since  
    (     )8. A. threw away
    (     )9. A. wisdom  
    (     )10. A. never  
    (     )11. A. had    
    (     )12. A. said  
    (     )13. A. worried
    (     )14. A. letter
    (     )15. A. looked at
    (     )16. A. why    
    (     )17. A. bags    
    (     )18. A. the lady
    (     )19. A. foolish
    (     )20. A. make  
    B. toy bear    
    B. wish        
    B. upset      
    B. minutes    
    B. chosen    
    B. nobody      
    B. When      
    B. asked for  
    B. money      
    B. always    
    B. spent    
    B. cried    
    B. satisfied    
    B. card      
    B. quarreled with
    B. how        
    B. books      
    B. the writer  
    B. kind        
    B. refuse    
    C. birthday cake  
    C. hear        
    C. fine        
    C. days          
    C. hidden      
    C. everyone      
    C. Before      
    C. looked into  
    C. water        
    C. only          
    C. lost          
    C. ordered      
    C. surprised    
    C. picture    
    C. believed in  
    C. what          
    C. stores        
    C. my friend     
    C. energetic    
    C. invent        
    D. concert ticket    
    D. think              
    D. honest            
    D. weeks              
    D. finished          
    D. anybody            
    D. Because            
    D. gave back          
    D. patience          
    D. once              
    D. won                
    D. shouted            
    D. relaxed            
    D. bill              
    D. laughed at        
    D. where              
    D. dollars            
    D. my daughter        
    D. proud              
    D. receive            

    本题信息:2012年贵州省期末题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:姜雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空My husband has been ill in hospital for two months and I have learned tomake do with very little(凑合过日子). One Sunday afternoon, I went ...” 主要考查您对


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