

  • 完形填空
    This is Red Star Town. My grandfather has lived here all his life. He 1 my grandmother here and they
    got married. Red Star Town was called Taping Town before. The government started 2 the wooden houses
    in this area when the Red Star Town underground station was built. 3 June 2000, Taping Town has
    become a history.
    My grandfather missed many things about Taping Town. 4 in the small town knew him well. They all
    liked him because he used to be a good 5 in a hospital. Now he is old and stays at home. In the past, there
    were 6 stone and wooden houses around here. Also, there were many big trees. Now new 7 are here and
    there. The streets are wide and clean. There are all kinds of shops and you can buy anything 8  .
    My grandfather is happy that life has improved so much, 9 he still feels lonely because he really misses
    everything in the past. Many of his friends moved away because the government let them 10 in new
    apartments in new towns. The old town is still beautiful in his heart though it has disappeared (消失).
    (     )1. A. meet    
    (     )2. A. pull down
    (     )3. A. At      
    (     )4. A. Someone 
    (     )5. A. doctor  
    (     )6. A. a lot   
    (     )7. A. house   
    (     )8. A. easy    
    (     )9. A. or      
    (     )10. A. live   
    B. met     
    B. put up  
    B. For     
    B. Nobody  
    B. pilot   
    B. much    
    B. buildings
    B. difficult
    B. but     
    B. lived   
    C. meeting    
    C. to pull down
    C. Since      
    C. Somebody   
    C. teacher    
    C. lots of    
    C. building   
    C. hard       
    C. as         
    C. living     
    D. meets   
    D. to put up
    D. On      
    D. Everyone
    D. actor   
    D. lot of  
    D. hotel   
    D. early   
    D. so                        
    D. to live 

    本题信息:2011年广西自治区中考真题英语完形填空难度一般 来源:张琳贺
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本试题 “完形填空。This is Red Star Town. My grandfather has lived here all his life. He 1my grandmother here and theygot married. Red Star Town was called ...” 主要考查您对


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