

  • 阅读理解

         Strange, but the green sea turtle (小海龟) is not that green. It's certainly not as green as a tree. In fact,
    its shell (壳) is nearly black or brown. The largest hard-shelled sea turtle is between 200 and 300 pounds
    heavy and a shell is between 36 and 43 inches (英寸) long. But its head is smaller than other turtles.
          Little baby green sea turtles are only two inches long. As the turtle grows up, its shell keeps mostly
    black while the body turns orange or brown. Young turtles like living in the sea, especially in areas with lots
    of sea grasses.
          Green sea turtle, like all sea turtles, are very different from land or river turtles. All sea turtles can swim
    through the water faster. Instead of feet for walking, sea turtles have flippers (鳍状肢) which are better for
    swimming. The flippers aren't much good on land, however, and walking is hard for a sea turtle because
    they are usually big and heavy.
          Another interesting thing about a sea turtle's flippers is that they cannot be pulled into their shells. Land
    turtles can pull their feet into their shells for protection, but a sea turtle can't.

    1. Are green sea turtles green?
    2. 请把画线部分翻译成中文。
    3. Why is walking hard for green turtles?
    4. 写出"Green sea turtles are very different from land or river turtles." 的同义句。
    5. What is the interesting difference between sea turtles and land turtles?
    本题信息:2008年期末题英语阅读理解难度极难 来源:冯丽娟
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读理解。 Strange, but the green sea turtle (小海龟) is not that green. It's certainly not as green as a tree. In fact,its shell (壳) is nearly bl...” 主要考查您对


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