

  • 阅读理解
    According to Gerry Smith and Shaun Belding, writers of three books on dealing with people who make
    troubles at the office, how you get on with the people described below can improve the working environment
    for everyone.
    (1)People who blame (指责) others including (包括) you
    Call them on it by saying, "Why is it always someone else's fault (错误)?" They may laugh over what
    you said or become sorry. Both of them mean your point has been taken.
    (2)People who take your ideas as their own
    Put your names on anything you write or make. If someone does it at a meeting, point it out at once-
    using humour(幽默)if possible. Later follow the person and tell him or her, "Don't do that again."
    (3)People who often break in
    Don't put up with it. Say coolly but firmly (坚定地), "Please wait while I finish talking."
    (4)People who embarrass (使人窘迫) you in public
    Put them on the hot seat by saying later, "I'm sure you didn't want to embarrass me, but you did."
    (5)People who don't follow through
    Of course you cannot order another worker, but you can try telling them they are not helpful and that
    you'll report it to the boss (老板) if they go on. Then do it.
    (6)People who tell lies
    Talk straight to him or her when it's about you. Or ask the boss for help, who can tell him or her, "There
    are lies going around. Can I get you to straighten them out for me?"
    1. What kind of people does the passage talk about?
    [     ]

    A. Those who have difficulty at work.
    B. Those who are making troubles.
    C. Those who don't like working hard.
    D. Those who aren't ready to help.
    2. If someone takes your invention as his own, what will you do?
    [     ]

    A. Point it out at once.
    B. Talk to him coolly and firmly.
    C. Put him on the hot seat.
    D. Report the matter to your boss.
    3. The wordsbreak inin the passage mean _________.
    [     ]

    A. get into a room without knocking on the door
    B. shout loudly while others are having a meeting
    C. try to take a place which somebody else is working in
    D. start to talk while somebody else hasn't finish talking
    4. The writer's main purpose (目的) is _________.
    [     ]

    A. to teach those who aren't doing well in their work
    B. to let people know how to make friends with others
    C. to make to working environment better for all people
    D. to help bosses find a better way to work out problems
    本题信息:2006年北京市期末题英语阅读理解难度极难 来源:张波
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读下面短文,然后从其后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项。According to Gerry Smith and Shaun Belding, writers of three books on dealing with people...” 主要考查您对


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