

  • 阅读理解
    We all remember bosses we've had over the years. But some bosses, for one reason or another,
    stand out above the rest. Christy Bulkeley was one of those bosses.
    Christy was the young publisher at the smallUpstateNewYorknewspaper where I worked 35
    years ago, one of the first female publishers in the USA.I was green as a reporter.
    A feminist of the first order, she believed women were equal to men, that newspapers could be run
    by women. More than a few old newspapermen didn't believe what Christy believed, and I'll make it
    clear that we didn't always get along. The maddest I ever saw her was when I wrote a profile of Helen
    Hayes, referring to the famous actress as Miss Hayes. She went angry. The title "Miss" was forbidden at
    the newspaper. Christy was a Ms and would remain one, even after marrying.
    She stood out in a crowd, which perhaps was what made her seem awkward in social settings. She
    had short red hair, smoked cigarettes that swung from her very long fingers, and dressed in a style all
    her own.
    She also had the habit of crossing her fingers if you were talking to her. Obviously it reminded her to
    ask a certain question once you were done talking. It seemed to work for her.
    But she was always fair, she praised good work, was happy when the staff put out an extra effort.
    She_was_a_good_sport, too. Every Halloween I had a party. One year I dressed as Christy. I wore
    a red wig (假发). I smoked a cigarette. I found a pair of kneehigh boots and a flowered blouse and I
    walked around with crossed fingers. It was an annual event where many arrived uninvited. I never knew
    who would show up. It was a night of surprises, and what a surprise it was when Christy appeared at my
    door. I stared at her. She stared at me, then broke the silence.
    "The blouse is all wrong," she said.
    1. Why does the author remember Christy Bulkeley?
    A. She once helped the author a lot.
    B. She was the author's one and only boss.
    C. She was an extraordinary boss in many ways.
    D. She was the first female publisher in America.
    2. What can we learn about theUpstateNewYorknewspaper at that time?
    A. It often introduced famous actors and actresses.
    B. It reflected the equality of men and women.
    C. It was very popular with older people.
    D. It showed many people's different ideas.
    3. By saying "She was a good sport", the author means that Christy was________.
    A. generous and humorous
    B. a sports lover
    C. fashionable and active
    D. a funny joker
    4. The author's purpose in writing the passage is to________.
    A. tell us how to be a good boss
    B. ask us to get along well with our boss
    C. advise us how to be a good boss
    D. share the story of his boss with us
    本题信息:2012年安徽省同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:张铁富(高中英语)
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本试题 “We all remember bosses we've had over the years. But some bosses, for one reason or another,stand out above the rest. Christy Bulkeley was one of t...” 主要考查您对


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