

  • 完形填空
    I think we should try to find a happy memory, something to lift us up on those unpleasant days.
    I`m saying this because I think I just found mine!
    I had some work in Glasgow then. I was on a really  1  schedule, which meant I would have no time
    for myself all day. I was having one of those days, when the train was completely  2  and the conversation
    going on around me seemed to be particularly  3  . Besides, I had a bit of a headache.  4  quickly across
    the station hall, I fished some  5  from my pocket. There was usually someone at the exit  6  the Big
    Issue (a magazine that helps homeless folk earn a living).
      7  the crowd parted ways at the bottom of the hall, I saw someone selling the Big Issue. She really
    looked like she`d been sleeping  8  . Her clothes were  9  and she obviously hadn`t had a scrub up (擦洗)
    for quite a while.
    As I 10 the exit, I saw that she was  11  from side to side. At first I thought she was trying to keep
     12  against the biting wind. But she wasn`t. She was moving in time to a 13 . I couldn't hear her, but I
    could see her lips moving.
    When I got closer, I saw a white 14 hanging from her elbow and noticed that she had sunken eyes.
    She was 15 , dirty and living on streets. I came closer and through the 16  of the traffic I could hear her
     17 the immortal (不朽的) line,"…And I think to myself, what a wonderful world!".
    I bought her last magazine for twice what I'd originally 18  . She thanked me, and 19 her belongings
    and went tapping off along the pavement -still singing! So, I have my happy 20 for the day, and I think it
    will stay with me a long,long time.
    (     )1. A. enjoyable 
    (     )2. A. crowded  
    (     )3. A. moving   
    (     )4. A. looking  
    (     )5. A. cigarettes 
    (     )6. A. selling  
    (     )7. A. With     
    (     )8. A. comfortably
    (     )9. A. shabby   
    (     )10. A. left   
    (     )11. A. jumping  
    (     )12. A. active  
    (     )13. A. dance   
    (     )14. A. issue   
    (     )15. A. deaf   
    (     )16. A. noise   
    (     )17. A. recite  
    (     )18. A. expected
    (     )19. A. picked up
    (     )20. A. decision 

    B. relaxing   
    B. delayed   
    B. interesting 
    B. walking   
    B. sweets     
    B. buying     
    B. Since     
    B. rough     
    B. casual     
    B. passed     
    B. limbing   
    B. energetic 
    B. tune      
    B. arm      
    B. lame      
    B. music     
    B. compose   
    B. charged   
    B. threw away  
    B. memory     

    C. tight   
    C. loaded  
    C. pleasing 
    C. wandering 
    C. change  
    C. collecting
    C. Until   
    C. soundly  
    C. tidy   
    C. approached
    C. rolling  
    C. warm   
    C. step   
    C. stick   
    C. mad    
    C. voice   
    C. read   
    C. intended 
    C. turned out
    C. program  
    D. tiring         
    D. crashed        
    D. meaningless    
    D. searching      
    D. paper          
    D. delivering     
    D. As             
    D. anxiously      
    D. fashionable    
    D. examined       
    D. rocking        
    D. awake          
    D. sound          
    D. log            
    D. blind          
    D. sound          
    D. sing           
    D. organized      
    D. hid away       
    D. design         

    本题信息:2012年期中题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:姜雪
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本试题 “完形填空。I think we should try to find a happy memory, something to lift us up on those unpleasant days.I`m saying this because I think I just fou...” 主要考查您对


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