

  • 阅读理解
    Joyce: Can you help me take care of my roses? I'll be away for two weeks.
    Ryan: Are you crazy? Don't you know I'm a flower killer?
    Joyce: Why's that? I remember you have a beautiful garden with all kinds of flowers.
    I think you've been taking good care of them.
    Ryan:  Not me. It's my dad. He is good at growing trees and flowers. I think you should ask someone
    else for help. I'm really not the right person.
    Joyce:  But I'm leaving tomorrow morning! There's no time to look for someone else. Please!
    All you have to do is to water my roses every two days. Here's the key to my house.
    Ryan: It's just as easy as that?
    Joyce: Yeah, just as easy as that!
    Ryan: Well… will you kill me if anything goes wrong?
    Joyce: Maybe, but I believe you'll do just fine.
    1. Why does Ryan say he is a flower killer?
    A. He likes to pick up flowers.
    B. He makes girls crazy for him.
    C. He cannot keep flowers living long.
    D. He does not like to have flowers in his house.
    2. If Joyce's roses are watered on the afternoon of May 5, when should they be watered next time?
    A. On May 6.
    B. On May 7.
    C. On May 9.
    D. On May 10.
    3. Which is said in the reading?
    A. Ryan's father has decided to help Joyce.
    B. Joyce is going on business for two weeks.
    C. Ryan's father takes care of Ryan's garden.
    D. Joyce has brought her roses to Ryan's garden.
    本题信息:2010年台湾省中考真题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:张琳贺
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本试题 “阅读理解。Joyce: Can you help me take care of my roses? I'll be away for two weeks.Ryan: Are you crazy? Don't you know I'm a flower killer?Joyce: W...” 主要考查您对


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