

  • 阅读理解
    Peter: There's a new library in our school. Let's go and have a look.
    Millie: Great! Let's go.
    Peter: Let's put our bags here.
    Millie: Why?
    Peter: Look at the sign: "You can't bring your bag into the library."
    Millie: I see. Can we read books here?
    Peter: Yes, we can. There are many desks and chairs in the reading room. We can sit down and read
    Millie: Can we borrow the books?
    Peter: Yes, we can. But we can only keep (保留) the books for a week.
    Millie: Can we bring these newspapers home?
    Peter: No, we can't. We must read the newspapers here.
    Millie: Can we…
    Peter: Shhh. Don't speak. Look at the sign. It says "Don't talk in the library."
    Millie: OK. Let's read our books.
    1. Millie goes to the _____ with Peter.
    A. library
    B. park
    C. supermarket
    D. computer room
    2. Students can't bring their _____ into the library.
    A. footballs
    B. rulers
    C. pens
    D. bags
    3. In the library, Peter and Millie can read books _____.
    A. at home
    B. in the classroom
    C. in the reading room
    D. in the art room

    4. —How long can they keep the books? 
        — _____.

    A. One day
    B. A week
    C. Five days
    D. Two weeks
    5. They can't take the _____ home.
    A. newspapers
    B. books
    C. paper
    D. bags
    本题信息:2012年江苏期中题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:魏丽梅
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读理解。Peter: There's a new library in our school. Let's go and have a look.Millie: Great! Let's go.Peter: Let's put our bags here.Millie: Why?P...” 主要考查您对


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