

  • 完形填空
    What kind of person becomes an addict?Someone_1_with a lot of friends; or someone who is_2_
    from the rest, with only a few friends, or none at all.The_3_I am trying to make is that anyone can
    become an addict. The only way that I_4_this out was by becoming an addict myself.I used to bea guy
    who was_5_in the popular crowd.Right before high school began, I started being_6_by most of my friends.
    I had never lived with the_7_that I had no friends, so I did almost anything to_8_the two good friends
    I still had.One of the things I did was_9_drugs for the first time.This was a big 10  from the way I lived
    when I was younger.I was a(n)  11  , and the last thing I thought I would get into was drugs.Drugs  12 
    me from being the best sports player I could be. I  13  to smoke drugs after I entered high school
    because that was what my new "cool"  friends were 14  .The next three years were filled with many  15  .
    I was arrested twice, and lost my license for two years.This made me sad and  16  . I realized I could
    not live this way; I must stop the  17  of using drugs. Since then, my  18  and actions have changed and so
    has my direction in life.I do see a future in water skiing.  19  , I haven't killed my chance in  20  . I know
    that I must keep a clear head first.Keep coming back. It works if you work it.
    (     )1. A. interesting      
    (     )2. A. free          
    (     )3. A. point            
    (     )4. A. brought          
    (     )5. A. always          
    (     )6. A. known            
    (     )7. A. doubt            
    (     )8. A. meet          
    (     )9. A. collect          
    (     )10. A. chance          
    (     )11. A. doctor          
    (     )12. A. prevented      
    (     )13. A. decided        
    (     )14. A. at              
    (     )15. A. highs and lows  
    (     )16. A. lonely          
    (     )17. A. manner          
    (     )18. A. position        
    (     )19. A. Virtually      
    (     )20. A. athletics      
    B. anxious      
    B. safe          
    B. sense        
    B. figured      
    B. seldom        
    B. attracted    
    B. hope          
    B. keep          
    B. buy          
    B. change        
    B. teenager      
    B. protected    
    B. intended      
    B. into          
    B. pros and cons
    B. afraid        
    B. habit        
    B. heart        
    B. Hopefully    
    B. acting        
    C. popular            
    C. absent              
    C. subject            
    C. held                
    C. almost              
    C. preferred          
    C. fear                
    C. leave              
    C. try                
    C. decision            
    C. amateur            
    C. discouraged        
    C. continued          
    C. on                  
    C. causes and effects  
    C. confused            
    C. spread              
    C. attitude            
    C. Similarly          
    C. academics          
    D . eager              
    D. different          
    D. promise            
    D. kept                
    D. already            
    D. rejected            
    D. danger              
    D. move                
    D. check              
    D. advance            
    D. athlete            
    D. sheltered          
    D. pretended          
    D. from                
    D. days and nights    
    D. depressed          
    D. practice            
    D. speech              
    D. Luc kily            
    D. promotion          

    本题信息:2012年同步题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:刘婷婷
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空What kind of person becomes an addict?Someone_1_with a lot of friends; or someone who is_2_from the rest, with only a few friends, or none ...” 主要考查您对


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