

  • 阅读理解
    Census figures (调查数据) published last Friday indicate that the number of women in management jobs
    rose by 95% between 1980 and 1990. Most evidence shows that women are still in the lowest class of
    management and in the lowest-paying industries.
    I first noticed that girls were different from boys when I was about 4 years old. No experiences either in
    my personal life or in my business life have caused me to change my opinion. Throughout my adult life,
    however, I have had to evaluate again and again these differences between men and women and how they
    affect the way men and women relate to one another and to the environment in which they work. Working
    with women has given me deep understanding I would never have gained in any other way.
    Women are working at a decided disadvantage in the business world created by men to make things
    comfortable for men. To me, this means men often understand the rules without having to be taught or even
    having to think about them. It is not so easy for women. If I may fall back on typically malesports terms,
    women have had to learn both the game and the game plan at the same time.
    At least in my own observation, women in business tend to be more honest than men. A direct question
    to a woman often results in a direct response. This quality makes it more difficult for women to "yes" an
    employer. It also makes women more trustworthy than the men who often can't, or won't, give a straight
    answer to a question. Women are also more open than men about their feelings, their ambitions, and everyday
    situations in the office. This makes them easier to be hurt than men. Traditionally, women in business have
    been more severely judged than men. They have had to be better in a job than a man to get ahead.
    1. What is this passage mainly about?
    A. the unfair treatment the working women suffering in business
    B. the differences between working men and women
    C. the qualities of the working men and women
    D. the author's pity on the working women
    2. The author mentions the"sports terms" to show that _____.
    A. women are more diligent than men
    B. women are often looked down upon by men
    C. women are slower in learning new things than men
    D. men always make things comfortable for themselves
    3. How many good qualities of women are mentioned in the last paragraph?
    A. Two.
    B. Three.
    C. Four.
    D. Five.
    4. Which of the following will most probably be the first sentence of the fifth paragraph?
    A. For example, I have interviewed many people for the job of advertising salesperson.
    B. Another difference between working men and women is that men take more chances.
    C. Of all the differences that I have noticed, one in particular stands out.
    D. On the other hand, men also enjoy more rights than women.
    本题信息:2011年北京模拟题英语阅读理解难度极难 来源:张雪
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本试题 “阅读理解。Census figures (调查数据) published last Friday indicate that the number of women in management jobsrose by 95% between 1980 and 1990. Mo...” 主要考查您对


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