

  • 完形填空
    As long as I can remember I was overweight. Actually that isn't entirely true because I can  1  remember
    one summer when I was "normal". After that it seems like I was always  2  . I wanted so eagerly (急切地) to
    be like all of the other kids. I would look in the mirror with my shirt off  3  cover my stomach,  4  it wasn't
    there just so I could keep a positive  5  of myself.
    I can remember when my mom first found out I weighed over 200 pounds. I was 12 and  6  go to the
    asthma (哮喘) doctor. When I got on the  7  it read 212 pounds. My heart  8  . I  9  to her because I didn't
    want her to find out. I was 10 of being overweight and afraid of her 11 , which was a fear in my own mind
    rather than a reality.
    I can remember going to the " 12 " store with my grandma so I could get a suit for my 8th grade graduation.
    They 13 me at size 46. I couldn't believe it. I was used to the 40s that I had let down around my hips (臀部)
    where most kids my 14 wore them. Can you 15 being a size 46 at 14 years old? It took me a week to look
    myself in the face again without self-pity.
    Not only was the high weight bad for my physical health, but it was 16 to my mental health. I never 17 
    how it made me shy, lonely or depressed. I kept all of these bottled up (抑制) inside because I knew that I
    would just be 18 as the depressed fat kid who wanted everyone to feel 19 for him. And you know they were
    right not to feel sorry for me because it was my 20  : I was lazy.
    (     )1. A. never         
    (     )2. A. overweight    
    (     )3. A. but           
    (     )4. A. managing      
    (     )5. A. view          
    (     )6. A. had to        
    (     )7. A. platform      
    (     )8. A. broke         
    (     )9. A. lied          
    (     )10. A. fond         
    (     )11. A. judgement    
    (     )12. A. cheap & easy 
    (     )13. A. showed       
    (     )14. A. sex          
    (     )15. A. confirm      
    (     )16. A. tough        
    (     )17. A. admitted     
    (     )18. A. honored      
    (     )19. A. sorry        
    (     )20. A. idea         

    B. also          
    B. healthy       
    B. or          
    B. pretending    
    B. look          
    B. would       
    B. stairs        
    B. sank          
    B. replied       
    B. tired         
    B. comfort       
    B. fast & right     
    B. dressed     
    B. age           
    B. suggest       
    B. harmful       
    B. considered  
    B. blamed        
    B. secure        
    B. decision    

    C. hardly     
    C. energetic  
    C. then       
    C. ensuring   
    C. image      
    C. could      
    C. table      
    C. pumped     
    C. explained  
    C. ashamed    
    C. punishment    
    C. big & tall 
    C. counted    
    C. race       
    C. approve    
    C. dangerous  
    C. wondered   
    C. adopted    
    C. proud      
    C. fault      

    D. soon           
    D. easygoing      
    D. and            
    D. deciding       
    D. quality        
    D. might          
    D. scale          
    D. stopped        
    D. whispered      
    D. accused        
    D. scold          
    D. good & worthy           
    D. measured       
    D. time           
    D. imagine        
    D. serious        
    D. doubted        
    D. regarded       
    D. guilty         
    D. intention      

    本题信息:2011年模拟题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:张雪
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