

  • 阅读理解
    Directions: Read the following passage, Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.
                                                                        Secret Santas
    On Christmas morning, Linda wakes up, and tries to imagine the wide-eyed surprise of children in another
    household as they unwrap the presents she carefully chose for them. Linda has never met the children, but that's
    all part of the joy of giving as secret Santas, she says.
    "It's an amazing feeling to buy gifts on an anonymous (匿名的) basis," says Linda. "It brings a whole new
    meaning to the holidays."
    Linda and Tony are an American couple living in Toronto, Canada, and Linda did charitable work as a
    member of the American Women's Club of Toronto. As the name suggests, members are U.S. citizens living in
    Toronto, who join together for fellowship and community service.
    To find her "adopted" family, Linda goes to the local schools and requests a wish list for a family that's
    struggling to survive. Last year she helped a single mother with three children. The mother works as a cleaning
    lady in a nursing home.
    "The list is always heartbreaking. They have an opportunity to ask for anything and do just the opposite,
    asking for basic clothes or simple toys," she says. "We always buy the kids a new winter coat, hats, and gloves."
    She also buys gifts for the parents.
    Last year Linda asked the mother for a second wish list-one that didn't include the basics. "Every child
    should have a Christmas that sticks with them for a lifetime." She purchased iPods for the two older children
    and a video game system for the youngest. "I have learned a very valuable lesson in all of this," says Linda. "Pay
    attention to what's going on in your own backyard-no matter where you live."
    The joy of giving as secret Santas is much sweeter when the gift is anonymous.
    1. What reactions does Linda imagine the children will have? (No more than 5 words)
    2. Why did Linda join the American Women's Club of Toronto? (No more than 10 words)
    3. Why did Linda ask for a second wish list? (No more than 15 words)
    4. What kind of people does "secret Santas" in the passage refer to? (No more than 12 words)
    本题信息:2010年湖南省高考真题英语阅读理解难度极难 来源:张雪
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