

  • 完形填空
    When I met Mr Jim Lemon I was a seventeen-year-old freshman at Houston's Jackson Junior High.The
    chances of my finishing high school were __1 _. I was a troubled teenage.
    Mr Lemon taught American history and was quite __2 _from the other teachers I had known. Not
    only was he __3 _, but also he was a great teacher. He pushed and never tolerated the mediocrity(平庸)
    that had become my standard.
    On the occasion of our first semester report cards, Mr Lemon __4__me aside and asked how it was
    possible that I was a B student in his class and a C student in the __5 _of my classes. I passionately told
    him about my __6 _parents, the local gangs, the drugs, the fights, the police---all of the evils I had been
    _7 __to. It was then that Mr Lemon __8__explained that the only person __9 _for my situation was me.
    And the only person with the __10to change my situation was me. He __11me that I was failing not
    because I was a failure. He inspired me to become a better student and he __12my life.
    Ten years later I was preparing to graduate from a university when I spoke to him again ._ 13 I did get
    him on the phone, I told him that I had been saving money so that I could invite him to come to Hawaii at
    my__14_to be a part of my graduation.
    I'll never forget his __15_. He said,"Who is this again?" I was just one of hundreds of the students
    whose life he changed __16_he had no idea of his influence.
    Mr Lemon never came to my graduation, but his __17taught me another valuable lesson. His final
    lesson for me was that we will never know or understand the __18we have on other people's lives. He
    taught me that we all have the __19to effect people's lives for the __20 ... Or for the worse.
    (     )  1.A.near
    (     )  2.A.kind
    (     )  3.A.strict
    (     )  4.A.scolded
    (     )  5.A.rest
    (     )  6.A.qualified
    (     )  7.A.subjected
    (     )  8.A.nervously
    (     )  9.A.blamed
    (     )10.A.sense
    (     )11.A.persuaded
    (     )12.A.changed
    (     )13.A.While
    (     )14.A.cost
    (     )15.A.attitude
    (     )16.A.and
    (     )17.A.absence
    (     )18.A.importance
    (     )19.A.duty
    (     )20.A.easier
    本题信息:2011年吉林省期中题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:刘平(高中英语)
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空When I met Mr Jim Lemon I was a seventeen-year-old freshman at Houston's Jackson Junior High.Thechances of my finishing high school were __...” 主要考查您对


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