

  • 阅读理解
    China is the first developing country to host the Olympic Games in modern Olympic
    history. It hopes to learn from other countries that have held Olympic Games. As well as
    new buildings, the government (政府) wants more people to work in all the services (服务)
    in Beijing. There are a lot more people in the city, because of all the visitors to the
    Olympics. The city also need more places to eat and drink, because visitors eat out a lot.
    The government says the Beijing Olympics are "green", "hi-tech" (科技), and "the
    People's Olympics". They want everyone to feel part of the Olympics. So the Chinese people
    have prepared for the Olympics too. Many people learn English to work as guides in 2008.
    The Beijing organizers (组织者) make sure everything that is built for the Olympics
    can be used after the Games are over. So the Chinese people work for the Olympics and they
    can benefit (受益) from the Olympics too. When the Olympics are over, the people of Beijing
    can use the swimming pools and other Olympics sports centers.
    1. China is _____ country to host the Olympic Games in modern Olympic history.
    [     ]

    A. first
    B. the first developing
    C. the first Asian
    D. the second
    2. Why does the government want more people to work in Beijing?
    [     ]

    A. Because the services in Beijing used to be very poor.
    B. Because many people can't find jobs in their hometown.
    C. Because many visitors will come to Beijing.
    D. Because there are too many buildings
    3. The new buildings for the Olympic can _____.
    [     ]

    A. be used by the people after the Olympic Games
    B. be closed after the Olympic Games
    C. be only reopened when the next Olympic Games come
    D. be destroyed (破坏)
    4. What does "the People's Olympics" mean?
    [     ]

    A. It means that everyone in China will be a player in the Olympic Games.
    B. It means that everyone in China feels part of the Olympics.
    C. It means that all the Chinese people are rich enough to go to Beijing and watch
    the Olympic Games.
    D. It means that the Chinese people can make money.
    5. What does this passage want to tell us?
    [     ]

    A. The people in Beijing enjoy learning English.
    B. The new buildings for the Olympics are very modern.
    C. Everyone in China is great.
    D. Everyone in China should do something for the Olympics and can also get a lot
    from the Olympics.
    本题信息:2009年江苏期末题英语阅读理解难度极难 来源:张雪
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