

  • 阅读理解
    Jean Francis Grander was perhaps the most daring man who ever lived and perhaps the craziest. His
    greatest desire was to entertain and amaze people. He measured his success by the number of people who
    fainted dead away after witnessing his death-defying (极其惊险的) feats.
    Grander, a blond Frenchman, toured North America in 1850, billing himself as "Blondin". Blondin's gift
    was excellent balance. This talent coupled with a great desire to surprise and shock his audiences, made
    Blondin an incomparable performer.
    His most famousfeatwas walking across Niagara Falls on a tightrope. Blondin's "stage" consisted of a
    rope tied 1,100 feet across the falls. The rope hung some 160 feet above the rocks and boiling water below
    the falls.
    Simply walking across the falls was not exciting enough for Blondin; he later had to ride across on a
    bicycle. Then, in another performance, he calmly walked across blindfolded (被蒙住的眼睛). At still another
    time, he carried his terrified manager on his back and walked over the falls before thousands of breathless
    But Blondin was undoubtedly his own worst critic. He was never satisfied with hfs act and always tried
    to attract his audience with his balancing feat. One of his most daring walks was made in the darkness of
    night. Blondin became so famous on his tour through North America that his last performance was attended
    by an admiring Prince of Wales.
    1. Why does the author think that Grander may be the craziest man in the world?
    A. Because he enjoyed entertaining people by terrifying them.
    B. Because many people died after seeing his feats.
    C. Because his greatest desire was to entertain people.
    D. Because he was an incomparable performer.
    2. What does the underlined word "feat" in this passage mean?
    A. excellent performance
    B. tour
    C. famous event
    D. victory
    3. What can we infer from the first sentence in the last paragraph?
    A. Blondin was very content with his own performance.
    B. Blondin was not very good at criticism.
    C. Blondin never thought that his performance was satisfy.
    D. Blondin didn't like criticism.
    4. The author's attitude towards "Blondin" is _____.
    A. critical
    B. admiring
    C. negative
    D. depressed
    5. Which of the following can NOT be drawn from the passage?
    A. Blondin's success had something to do with his character.
    B. In order to be Successful,one should be a critic of himself.
    C. Blondin conquered his audience simply by his talent.
    D. People can get pleasure from a terrifying experience.
    本题信息:2009年0125模拟题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:张雪
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