

  • 阅读理解
    He was just 12 years old when he died. But he brought courage and hope to people around the
    Nkosi Johnson, who died last June, is remembered today as an AIDS fighter. This young boy
    challenged his government's AIDS policies and united millions of South Africans in the fight against
    the disease.
    Johnson was the longest surviving person born HIV positive.(艾滋病病毒呈阳性) He survived
    with this deadly disease for 12 years before itclaimed his life.
    At first, Johnson was expected to live for nine months when his foster mother (养母), Gail Johnson,
    took him in at the age of two. She now runs Nkosi Haven across town from her house in Melville. The
    Haven is home to 20 children living with HIV or AIDS, and 11 of their mothers.
    Johnson attracted the world's attention and stole the hearts of thousands of people across the world
    at the 13th International AIDS Conference in Durban in July 2000. He stood in front of a large audience
    including South African President Thabo Mbeki. He told them that he wanted AZT, a drug used to treat
    AIDS patients, to be given HIV-positive pregnant women to prevent the disease being passed on to their
    unborn babies. He received a loud cheer at the end of his speech.
    Johnson's speech was broadcast live across the world. With views beyond his age and even a sense
    of humor, Johnson soon became an international sign of the fight against AIDS and HIV.
    1. The underlined words "claimed his life" in Paragraph 3 mean _____.
    A. did harm to Johnson's health
    B. helped Johnson to survive
    C. cause the death of Johnson
    D. made Johnson weak
    2. The AIDS child gave the speech in order to _____.
    A. steal the hearts of thousands of people
    B. be an AIDS fighter
    C. get more help from the world
    D. fight against the government
    3. From the passage we can infer that _____.
    A. the government's AIDS policies have to be improved
    B. the government did nothing to help those with HIV positive
    C. the boy's speech changed the government's policies
    D. no other HIV positive patient lived longer than the boy
    4. The best title for this passage is "______".
    A. The Sad Story of an AIDS Child
    B. The Courage of an AIDS Child
    C. AIDS, a Deadly Disease
    D. A Hero in South Africa
    本题信息:2011年吉林省同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:谢雪莲
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读理解。He was just 12 years old when he died. But he brought courage and hope to people around theworld.Nkosi Johnson, who died last June, is re...” 主要考查您对


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