

  • 完形填空
    "Welcome, Mary," I said. She raised her head and looked into my eyes. The smile on my face  1  .
    Dear God, I thought, what  2  has entered the life of this little girl?
    After settling Mary into her new desk and  3  her, I went to the headmaster. She said, "Sit down and
    I'll  4  you in. Mary's mother who loved her very much was shot and killed in her  5  one night at their
    house. Mary, screaming, escaped to a neighbor's. Then the child went into  6  . She hadn't cried or  7  
    her mother since."
    I returned only to discover that the children were already avoiding this "  8  " child. "Mary's been hurt
    badly, but we can do a lot to help her," I explained gently. Bless all children. How loving they can be  9  
    they understand.
    In spite of our 10 , we seemed to be getting no closer to Mary and even my faith was wearing  11  .
    My heart ached so badly, wanting this child to come alive, to be aware of the beauty, the wonder, the fun,
    and even the  12  of living.
    Spring approaching, children 13 to make flower baskets for room decoration. During thelunch time,
    a girl came hurrying to me. "Come to see Mary's basket," she said  14  . "You'll never believe it!" I  15  
    my breath at its beauty, for it couldn't have been the work from a child that  16  .
    "Mary," I said. "This is beautiful. How did you ever  17  ?" She looked at me with the shining eyes of
    any 18 little girl, saying, "My mother loved flowers."
    Thank you, God, You've  19  us the miracle . I knelt and put my arms around the child. Then the tears
    came, slowly at first, but soon she was  20  her heart out against my shoulder. The other children had
    tears in their eyes, too, but theirs-like mine-were tears of joy.
    (     )1. A. formed    
    (     )2. A. wonder    
    (     )3. A. introducing
    (     )4. A. come      
    (     )5. A. home      
    (     )6. A. shock      
    (     )7. A. missed    
    (     )8. A. sweet      
    (     )9. A. before    
    (     )10. A. lessons  
    (     )11. A. strong    
    (     )12. A. cost      
    (     )13. A. decided  
    (     )14. A. worriedly
    (     )15. A. caught    
    (     )16. A. old      
    (     )17. A. arrange  
    (     )18. A. unusual  
    (     )19. A. told      
    (     )20. A. crying    
    B. broadened
    B. problem  
    B. comforting
    B. fill      
    B. presence  
    B. anger    
    B. mentioned
    B. sad      
    B. though    
    B. talks    
    B. thick    
    B. pain      
    B. waited    
    B. excitedly
    B. stopped  
    B. weak      
    B. prepare  
    B. careful  
    B. taught    
    B. shouting  
    C. spread    
    C. horror    
    C. praising  
    C. push      
    C. company    
    C. hunger    
    C. seen      
    C. lonely    
    C. once      
    C. words      
    C. thin      
    C. course    
    C. preferred  
    C. softly    
    C. counted    
    C. young      
    C. handle    
    C. normal    
    C. paid      
    C. drawing    
    D. froze        
    D. amazement    
    D. touching      
    D. let          
    D. eyes          
    D. action        
    D. heard        
    D. different    
    D. unless        
    D. efforts      
    D. heavy        
    D. pleasure      
    D. wished        
    D. secretly      
    D. took          
    D. clever        
    D. manage        
    D. friendly      
    D. given        
    D. knocking      

    本题信息:2012年江西省模拟题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:刘婷婷
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空。"Welcome, Mary," I said. She raised her head and looked into my eyes. The smile on my face 1 .Dear God, I thought, what 2 has entered the...” 主要考查您对


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