

  • 完形填空
    It was raining. I went into a cafe and asked for a coffee.  1  I was waiting for my drink, I realized there
    were other people in the place, but I sensed  2  . I saw their bodies, but I couldn't feel their souls  3  their
    souls belonged to the  4  .
    I stood up and walked between the tables. When I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin, small man
      5  in front of it. "I'm Steve," he finally answered after I asked him a couple of times what his name was. "I
    can't talk with you. I'm  6  ,"he said. He was chatting online and,  7  , he was playing a computer game-a
    war game. I was  8  .
    Why didn't Steve want to talk with me? I tried  9  to speak to that computer geek (怪人), 10 not a word
    came out of his mouth. I touched his shoulder, but no reaction (反应). I was 11 . I put my hand in front of the
    monitor, and he started to shout, " 12 !"
    I took a few steps back, wondering if all those people in the cafe were looking at me. I 13 , and saw nobody
    showed any interest.
     14 , I realized that the people there were having a nice conversation with their machines, not with people.
    They were more 15 having a relationship with the 16 , particularly Steve. I wouldn't want to 17 the future
    of human beings if they preferred sharing their lives with machines 18 with people.
    I was worried and sank in my thoughts. I didn't even 19 that the coffee was bad, 20 Steve didn't notice
    there was a person next to him.
    (     )1. A. Before       
    (     )2. A. pain        
    (     )3. A. because     
    (     )4. A. home         
    (     )5. A. sleeping     
    (     )6. A. busy        
    (     )7. A. first of all   
    (     )8. A. surprised   
    (     )9. A. once        
    (     )10. A. but        
    (     )11. A. excited     
    (     )12. A. Shut up     
    (     )13. A. walked about  
    (     )14. A. From then on  
    (     )15. A. interested in  
    (     )16. A. computer   
    (     )17. A. tell      
    (     )18. A. other than   
    (     )19. A. pretend     
    (     )20. A. as if      
    B. Since        
    B. loneliness     
    B. when           
    B. world        
    B. laughing      
    B. thirsty    
    B. just then      
    B. delighted     
    B. again        
    B. so           
    B. respected     
    B. Enjoy yourself  
    B. walked out   
    B. At that moment  
    B. tired of      
    B. soul          
    B. plan        
    B. instead of     
    B. understand     
    B. just as    
    C. Although       
    C. sadness      
    C. until        
    C. Net          
    C. sitting      
    C. tired        
    C. at the same time  
    C. moved        
    C. first        
    C. if           
    C. afraid        
    C. Leave me alone  
    C. raised my hand  
    C. In all        
    C. careful about   
    C. shop          
    C. imagine      
    C. except for     
    C. insist        
    C. just after     
    D. While             
    D. fear              
    D. unless            
    D. Cafe              
    D. learning          
    D. sick              
    D. by that time      
    D. frightened        
    D. even              
    D. or                
    D. unhappy           
    D. Help me out       
    D. raised my head    
    D. Above all         
    D. troubled by       
    D. geek              
    D. design            
    D. as well as        
    D. realize           
    D. even though       

    本题信息:2005年浙江省高考真题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:姜雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空。It was raining. I went into a cafe and asked for a coffee. 1 I was waiting for my drink, I realized therewere other people in the place, ...” 主要考查您对


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