

  • 阅读理解
    Jacques Rogge was bom on May 2, 1942; in Ghent, Belgium. In England he studied sports medicine and
    got his medical degree before retuming to Belgium to work as a doctor in Deinze. Jacques Rogge was once an
    Olympic yachtsman (赛艇运动员) with great achievements. In the course of his sports life, he competed in
    the yachting competitions at the Games of Olympiad in 1968, 1972 and 1976. He got good grades at the
    competitions. He served as President of the European Olympic Committee (欧洲奥委会) in 1989 and joined
    IOC-International Olympic Committee, in 1991. Thanks to his rich social background, Rogge's climb in the
    IOC was fast. During the period of the Salt Lake City scandal (丑闻), he refused expensive gifts and money.
    He became the eighth president of the IOC on July 16, 2001.
    Being not influenced by the Salt Lake City scandal, he has kept a perfectly clean image (象) in the IOC. He
    has been seen as the one who could improve the situation since the Salt Lake City scandal was brought into
    daylight. As an Olympic yachtsman, Jacques Rogge was no stranger to dangerous waters and stormy weather,
    but be faced a large number of serious problems when he took over the great job. He was in the first hope that
    he would clear up the public image of the IOC. He said that he would take his whole life of effort to let the
    world trust the IOC.
    1. Was Rogge born in Belgium?
    2. Did Rogge get his medical degree in England or in Belgium?
    3. How many times did Rogge compete in Olympic yachting?
    4. What did people wish Rogge to do first after he became the president of the IOC?
    5. What main advantages did Rogge have to be the president of the IOC according to the passage?
    本题信息:2009年北京模拟题英语阅读理解难度极难 来源:张琳贺
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