

  • 完形填空
    It was an early August night. The heat was stifling(令人窒息) even with 1 on as I tried to
    sleep. I awoke early, wiped the 2 from my forehead, and took my dog out for his morning
    walk. The maple tree in my backyard kept a quiet watch on the rising 3 . As I walked over to
    it I was 4 to see the first red leaf of the year below it.
    I 5 picked up the red leaf and smiled. In hot summer it 6  the coming fall. It was leading the
    way to a(n) 7 that would soon take place. I could feel the cool wind. I could see the treeswith
    thousands of red and yellow leaves. I could see the forests and mountains here 9 by Heaven's own
    hand. I could feel the joy of a beautiful autumn 10 in my soul.
    I took the11  into my home so I could see it every day. It reminds me that there is a red leaf in
    all of us just 12 to come out. It reminds me that on the hottest summer day and 13 winter night we
    can still share our 14  and joy with others. It reminds me that our purpose is to add 15  to the
    sometimes grey world around us. I only wish that I were the first leaf of fall instead of such a 16  
    changer myself.
    Whether you change early or late isn't important, 17 . What is important is that you shine today.
    What 18 is that you make this world a better place. Show your smile and give a hug. Feed the 19 
    and visit the lonely. Care for the hurting and 20 the crying. Show others just how much you love
    them. Then your soul will glow(发光) like the leaves of Heaven.
    1. A. light
    2. A. water
    3. A. fog
    4. A. surprised
    5. A. secretly
    6. A. signaled
    7. A. advance
    8. A. equipped
    9. A. ruined
    10.A. awakening
    11.A. dog
    12.A. struggling
    13.A. darkest
    14.A. sorrow
    15.A. colors
    16.A. quick
    17.A. otherwise
    18.A. works
    19.A. old
    20.A. comfort
    B. TV  
    B. sweat
    B. moon  
    B. disappointed
    B. gently
    B. showed
    B. reform
    B. fixed
    B. created
    B. dying
    B. leaf
    B. competing
    B. loneliest
    B. love
    B. lights
    B. late
    B. besides
    B. matters
    B. thirsty
    B. beat
    C. fan
    C. dirt
    C. star
    C. confused
    C. hurriedly
    C. represented
    C. success
    C. covered
    C. controlled
    C. gathering
    C. flower
    C. waiting
    C. saddest
    C. interests
    C. flavors
    C. hard  
    C. however
    C. helps
    C. weak  
    C. save  
    D. radio          
    D. rain            
    D. sun            
    D. embarrassed    
    D. suddenly        
    D. equaled        
    D. change          
    D. filled          
    D. painted        
    D. disappearing    
    D. creature        
    D. hesitating      
    D. coldest        
    D. troubles        
    D. sounds          
    D. strange        
    D. anyway          
    D. exists          
    D. hungry          
    D. instruct        

    本题信息:2012年山西省模拟题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:刘鸿娟
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空。It was an early August night. The heat was stifling(令人窒息) even with 1on as I tried tosleep. I awoke early, wiped the 2from my forehea...” 主要考查您对


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