

  • 阅读理解
    The first time I saw Carlos, I had my arms full of books and I was tearing into the classroom when I
    ran into something solid. It was Carlos.
    "My, you're tall," he exclaimed.
    Of course, the class began to laugh. Annoyed, I walked to my seat without a word.
    I glanced back to see if Reed Harrington was laughing with the rest. That would be last straw. To my
    relief, Reed was studying and did not seem to be aware of it. I didn't know why I considered Reed my
    friend. Maybe just because he was a good two inches taller than I.
    "Take that seat," Mr. McCarthy told the newcomer, pointing to the only empty one, in the back of the
    Carlos smiled broadly. "But I need a couple of dictionaries." Again the class laughed, but now they
    were laughing with Carlos, not at him. He had been here only 10 minutes and already he had them on his
    It was the school election that made me think of Carlos again. Reed Harrington was voted president
    and Carlos vice-president. "How come?" I kept asking myself. "How come this shrimp(虾) who's only
    been in town for a little over a month gets to be so popular?"
    So when I met Carlos this morning, I said to him. "It doesn't seem to bother you being short, I mean."   He looked up at me. "Of course I mind being short. But there isn't anything I can do about it. When I
    realized I was going to have to spend my life in this undersized skin, I decided to make the best of it. My
    motto is-don't be afraid to be yourself."

    1. This passage is mainly about a short boy who _____________.
    A. won the school election
    B. is ashamed of his height
    C. has learned to accept his size
    D. is embarrassed by the class

    2. From the story, we can see that Carlos is _____________.
    A. shy but diligent
    B. humorous and confident
    C. proud and popular
    D. honest but sensitive

    3. Paragraph 4 suggests that the author _____________.
    A. cared much about Reed's attitude
    B. thought Reed was the same as the others
    C. couldn't stand Carlos playing ricks on her
    D. hoped Reed was laughing with the others

    4. According to the passage, what happened after the election?
    A. Carlos and the author argued with each other.
    B. Carlos and Reed became very good friends.
    C. The author changed her attitude toward Carlos.
    D. Carlos was elected president of the student committee.
    本题信息:2011年安徽省模拟题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:刘婷婷
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