

  • 完形填空
    Robert was 11years old when his mother ( a single mom) dropped his off for his first piano lesson. I
    prefer student begin at an earlier age, which I explained to Robby.   1 , Robby said that it had always been
    his mother's  2  to hear him play the piano, so I took him as a student.
    Hard as Robby tried, he lacked the  3  of music. However, he persisted and at the end of each weekly
      4  he'd always say, "My mom is going to hear me play someday." But it seemed  5  . I only knew his
    mother from a distance as she dropped Robby off or waited in his aged car to  6  him up. She always  7  
    and smiled but never visited my class. Then one day Robby  8  coming to our lesson. He telephoned me
    and said his mother was  9  .
    A few weeks after that, I was 10 my students for the upcoming recital (独奏会) when Robby came
    and asked me 11 he could be in the recital. "Miss Hondorf… I'll just go to play!" he insisted.
    The night for the recital came. The high school gym was 12  with parents,friends and relatives. The
    recital 13 well. Then Robby came up on the stage. I was 14 when he announced that he had chosen
    Mozart's Concerto No 21 in C Major. I was not prepared for what I had heard 15 his fingers were light on
    the keys. They even 16  on the keys… He played so well that everyone was on their 17 in wild applause
    (鼓掌). In tears I ran up on the stage. "Oh, Robby! How 18  you do it?"
    "Well, Miss Hondorf… I  19  on practicing at home. Remember I told you my mom was sick? Well, 20 
    she had cancer and passed away this morning. She was deaf so tonight was the first time she ever heard me
    (     )1. A. Although      
    (     )2. A. idea          
    (     )3. A. feeling       
    (     )4. A. trial         
    (     )5. A. helpless      
    (     )6. A. put           
    (     )7. A. waved         
    (     )8. A. escaped                
    (     )9. A. deaf          
    (     )10. A .preparing    
    (     )11. A. that         
    (     )12. A. loaded       
    (     )13. A. went on      
    (     )14. A. delighted    
    (     )15. A. until        
    (     )16. A. danced       
    (     )17. A. heads        
    (     )18. A. should       
    (     )19. A. worked       
    (     )20. A. unfortunately
    B. Because         
    B. dream            
    B. knowledge       
    B. attempt         
    B. hopeless       
    B. take           
    B. listened         
    B. avoided                  
    B. lonely            
    B. arranging      
    B. whether         
    B. covered         
    B. turned on        
    B. proud           
    B. while          
    B. tapped          
    B. feet            
    B. would          
    B. kept               
    B. suddenly  
    C. But               
    C. desire             
    C. education          
    C. performance       
    C. senseless       
    C. make               
    C. stared            
    C. stopped                     
    C. away                
    C. persuading       
    C. when             
    C. crowded            
    C. carried on        
    C. confused          
    C. before           
    C. hit               
    C. ears              
    C. could             
    C. continued           
    C. strangely  
    D .Thus                   
    D. imagination             
    D. sense                   
    D. lesson                  
    D. worthless          
    D. pick                     
    D. watched                
    D. refused                
    D. sick                       
    D. taking              
    D. how                    
    D. connected                
    D. depended on           
    D. surprised               
    D. since                
    D. flew                    
    D. eyes                  
    D. might                  
    D. stuck                     
    D. actually          

    本题信息:2011年贵州省模拟题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:姜雪
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