

  • 阅读理解
    There's a special kind of dog. They're like the eyes of blind people. We call them 'seeing eye
    dogs'.These dogs are trained for several months. Then, they lie with a blind person. Their job is
    very important. They help blind person walk around a city.
    Seeing eyes dogs know how to cross the street. They wait for a greenlight. They can also
    avoid danger, like cars, bicycles, and holes in the road.
    Sometimes you many see these dogs with their owners. Like most dogs, seeing eye dogs are
    often cute. You should not pet them. Remember, they are working hard.
    1. What is the main idea of the passage?
    A. Seeing eye dogs are cute.
    B. All blind people have seeing eye dogs.
    C. Seeing eye dogs help blind people a lot.
    D. Streets are full of danger.
    2. "Seeing eye dogs"
    A. are blind.
    B. cannot cross the street.
    C. are trained to do their job.
    D. don't usually avoid danger.
    3. Which city danger is not talked about?
    A. Crimes
    B. Bicycles.
    C. Cars.
    D. Holes in the road.
    4. When will the dogs cross the street?

    A. At any time.
    B. When will the dogs cross the street?
    C. They never cross the street.
    D. When the light is green.

    5. Which of these sentences is true?
    A. All blind people have seeing eye dogs.
    B. In the street, blind people have many dangers to avoid.
    C. It's fine to pet seeing eye dogs.
    D. There is no safe way to cross the street.
    本题信息:2012年新疆自治区同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:魏丽梅
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本试题 “阅读理解.There's a special kind of dog. They're like the eyes of blind people. We call them 'seeing eyedogs'.These dogs are trained for several mon...” 主要考查您对


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