

  • 阅读理解
    Hua Luogeng,the famous Chinese mathematician,was born in Jintan County(县),Jiangsu Province in
    l910.When he was young,he showed great interest in mathematics.In 1931,Hua Luogeng became an
    assistant in the Maths Department of Qinghua University, where he spent eve moment he could spare
    studying,so he finished his maths course all by himself in only 13 months!
    In 1936,he went to Cambridge University in Great Britain forfurther study.In 1950 shortly after new
    China was founded,he returned from USA.His words“I'm Chinese.I'll do my best for my motherland.”are
    still remembered by the Chinese people.
    Hua Luogeng devoted(奉献) all his life to the maths study and won the great fame for our country.
    In 1985, he died of heart-attack while he was giving a speech in Japan.
    1. When he was _____ years old, he began working in Qinghua University.
    A. a little boy
    B. twenty-one
    C. old enough
    D. thirty-one
    2. First he went to _____, then to _____.
    A.the USA; Great Britain
    B.Great Britain; Japan
    C.Great Britain ;the USA
    D.Japan ;the USA
    3. He was interested and good at _____.
    B. politics
    C. chemistry
    D. Chinese
    4. Why do the Chinese people still remember him and his words?
    A.Because they love him, who loved his motherland so dearly.
    B.Because they like his words, which were beautiful written.
    C.Because they need him, who was well known in the USA.
    D.Because his name and words are simple and they can be easily remembered.
    5. After reading this passage we _____.
    A.can be relaxed
    B.will be very sad
    C.may fet some information
    D.shall laugh
    本题信息:2011年同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:马静
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读理解。Hua Luogeng,the famous Chinese mathematician,was born in Jintan County(县),Jiangsu Province inl910.When he was young,he showed great inte...” 主要考查您对


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