

  • 完形填空
    A Man Named Lawrence
    This is an act of kindness that happened to me one Sunday morning.
    It was at two o'clock in the morning. We just came out of a club and were trying to find our  1  back
    to our city. As we were trying to  2  the bus stop, a man came to us and said he would show us  3  it
    was. Although we were a little  4  , we had no choice but follow him. He told us he was a homeless man
    and that his name was Lawrence.
    When we passed some city workers  5  the streets, they sprayed (喷溅) the homeless man.
    Lawrence told us that they always sprayed the  6  if they were "in the way". I didn't know why they
    would do that. They were human beings,  7  , not cattle or objects.
    This man had just gotten  8  in the middle of a cold night, but  9  shouting at the workers, he asked
    them, "How would you  10  if your father or grandfather were treated like this?" He then told us, "It's
      11  use shouting at them, because they just get angry. You're better off saying something from the  12  ."
    It is  13  ! The world could be so different if only we put our anger  14  , lowered our voices and
    tried to speak from our hearts.
    He took us safely to the stop and on the way talked about everything. We  15  him and told him that
    we  16  have never found the place on our own. He said, "I have a son of your age, and I hope that if
    he were  17  , someone would help him."
    Not only did Lawrence clear out all the fear and distrust in our hearts, he helped us find our way, in
    more than one ways.  18  , this man taught us kindness. There was  19  we could really do to repay
    him. The only thing I hope to do is to  20  other people out.
    (     )1. A. way              
    (     )2. A. get to            
    (     )3. A. how              
    (     )4. A. interested        
    (     )5. A. wondering          
    (     )6. A. blacks           
    (     )7. A. above all        
    (     )8. A. wet               
    (     )9. A. except for        
    (     )10. A. think            
    (     )11. A. no use          
    (     )12. A. corners          
    (     )13. A. good            
    (     )14. A. aside            
    (     )15. A. left            
    (     )16. A. should          
    (     )17. A. waited for      
    (     )18. A. On the contrary  
    (     )19. A. something        
    (     )20. A. help            
    B. car              
    B. find            
    B. what            
    B. annoyed          
    B. washing          
    B. whites          
    B. in all          
    B. angry            
    B. shortly after    
    B. feel            
    B. no point        
    B. eyes            
    B. beautiful        
    B. off              
    B. thanked          
    B. could            
    B. taken in        
    B. On the other hand
    B. anything        
    B. work             
    C. friend        
    C. search for    
    C. which        
    C. worried      
    C. painting for  
    C. strangers    
    C. after all    
    C. sad          
    C. instead of    
    C. tell          
    C. no need      
    C. bottom        
    C. true          
    C. down          
    C. paid          
    C. must          
    C. lost          
    C. What's up    
    C. everything    
    C. pay          
    D. road            
    D. arrive          
    D. where            
    D. disappointed    
    D. decorating      
    D. homeless        
    D. not at all      
    D. cold            
    D. owing to        
    D. say              
    D. no fun          
    D. heart            
    D. funny            
    D. up              
    D. brought          
    D. need            
    D. missed          
    D. What's more    
    D. nothing          
    D. check            

    本题信息:2012年黑龙江省期末题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:耿辉(高中英语)
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空A Man Named LawrenceThis is an act of kindness that happened to me one Sunday morning.It was at two o'clock in the morning. We just came ou...” 主要考查您对


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