

  • 完形填空
    It was in my high school science class. I was doing a task in front of the classroom with my favorite
    shirt on.
    A__1__ came, "Nice shirt," I smiled from ear to ear. Then another voice said, "That shirt belonged
    to my dad. Greg's mother works for my family. We were going to__2__ that shirt away,  but gave it to
    her__3__." I was speechless. I wanted to hide.
    I__4__ the shirt in the back of the closet and told my mom what had happened. She then dialed her
    __5__,  "I will no longer work for your family," she told him. That night,  mom told my dad that she
    couldn't clean anymore; she knew her life's__6__ was something greater.
    The next morning she__7__ with the personal manager at the Board of Education. He told her that
    without a proper education she could not teach. So mom decided to__8__ a university.
    After the first year in college,  she went back to the personal manager. He said, "You are__9__,
    aren't you? I think I have a__10__ for you as a teacher's assistant. This opportunity deals with children
    who are mentally challenged with little or no chance of__11__." Mom accepted the opportunity very
    For almost five years,  as a teacher's assistant, she saw teacher after teacher give up on the children
    and quit,  feeling__13__. Then one day, the personal manager and the principal__14__ in her classroom.
    The principal said, "We have watched how you__15__ the children and how they communicate with you
    and admire your hardworking__16__ over the last five years. We are all in agreement that you__17__ be
    the teacher of this class."
    My mom spent more than 20 years there. __18__ her career, she was voted Teacher of the Year. All
    of this came about because of the__19__ comment made in the classroom that day. Mom showed me
    how to handle__20__ situations and never give up.
    (     )1. A. noise      
    (     )2. A. get        
    (     )3. A. otherwise    
    (     )4. A. settled      
    (     )5. A. teacher      
    (     )6. A. purpose      
    (     )7. A. went        
    (     )8. A. visit        
    (     )9. A. serious      
    (     )10. A. career      
    (     )11. A. learning    
    (     )12. A. patiently  
    (     )13. A. upset      
    (     )14. A. looked up  
    (     )15. A. believe    
    (     )16. A. spirit      
    (     )17. A. must        
    (     )18. A. At          
    (     )19. A. worthless  
    (     )20. A. challenging
    B. voice          
    B. take            
    B. anyhow          
    B. pushed          
    B. employer        
    B. encouragement  
    B. met            
    B. continue        
    B. fortunate      
    B. duty            
    B. judging        
    B. eagerly        
    B. frightened      
    B. went up        
    B. protect        
    B. intention      
    B. would          
    B. During          
    B. thoughtless    
    B. different      
    C. sound        
    C. carry        
    C. instead      
    C. made          
    C. director      
    C. achievement  
    C. worked        
    C. attend        
    C. careful      
    C. position      
    C. obeying      
    C. successfully  
    C. guilty        
    C. took up      
    C. treat        
    C. action        
    C. might        
    C. On            
    C. hopeless      
    C. dangerous    
    D. tune          
    D. throw        
    D. actually      
    D. stuck        
    D. adviser      
    D. victory      
    D. stayed        
    D. prepare      
    D. responsible  
    D. part          
    D. imagining    
    D. skillfully    
    D. ashamed      
    D. showed up    
    D. receive      
    D. attempt      
    D. should        
    D. With          
    D. helpless      
    D. strange      

    本题信息:2013年四川省同步题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:张铁富(高中英语)
  • 本题答案
本试题 “It was in my high school science class. I was doing a task in front of the classroom with my favoriteshirt on.A__1__ came, "Nice shirt," I smiled f...” 主要考查您对


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