

  • 阅读理解
    Some people are afraid of flying. They are worried that the plane will crash or that someone may
    hijack it. A person who hijacks a plane usually says he will blow up the plane if he does not get money.
    Sometimes hijackers do not want money, however. They want other things. They some -times want their
    friends let out of jail or to go to another country.
    The first hijacking happened on 16 June 1948 on a plane traveling from Macau to Hong Kong. Some
    men with guns told the pilot they wanted, money. The pilot fought them, but the hijackers shot him. The
    plane crashed into the sea, and nearly everyone in it died. Only one man lived. His name was Wong-yu
    Man. When the police brought the plane out of the sea, they looked at it very carefully and found bullet
    holes in the walls of the plane. They knew then that there had been a hijack.
    A policeman sat near Wong-yu Man's bed in the hospital. Before long Wong-yu started to talk in his
    sleep. "Where are my men?" he said. "Are they all right? Did they get the money?" The policeman wrote
    everything down. He knew Wong-yu's words meant something. He thought Wong-yu was one of the
    hijackers. He was right. When Wong-yu came out of hospital, he went to jail for a long time.
    l. The story is about _____.
    A. a plane crash
    B. how to hijack a plane
    C. the firsthijack
    D. planes and travelling
    2. When they, fly, some people are afraid _____.
    A. the plane will crash or be hijacked
    B. their friends will go to jail
    C. someone will get a lot of money
    D. the police willtake them to jail
    3. The first hijacking happened in Macau in _____.
    A. July 1948
    B. March 1938
    C. March 1948
    D. June 1948
    4. The plane crashed because _____.
    A. he police shot the plane
    B. the pilot got sick
    C. the hijacker blew up the plane
    D. the hijacker shot the pilot
    5. Which picture shows what the police found after the crash?

    A.                   B.                 C.                    D.
    本题信息:2011年同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:魏丽梅
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读理解。Some people are afraid of flying. They are worried that the plane will crash or that someone mayhijack it. A person who hijacks a plane u...” 主要考查您对


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