

  • 阅读理解
    In 1993,I had my first opportunity to visit Russia as a representative of the University of California.I
    was there to provide some technical assistance in the area of agricultural labor management."The Russians
    are very polite people," I had been tutored before my arrival.One of my interpreters,once I was there,
    explained that a gentleman will pour the juice for the ladies and show othercourtesies(礼节).
    Toward the end of my threeweek trip I was invited by my young Russian host and friend Nicolai Vasile
    vich and his lovely wife Yulya out to dinner.At the end of a wonderful meal Yulya asked if I would like a
    banana.I politely declined and thanked her,and explained I was most satisfied with the meal.My mind was
    racing,"What do I do? Do I offer her a banana even though they are as close to her as they are to me?
    What is the polite thing to do?"
    "Would you like a banana?" I asked Yulya.
    "Yes," she smiled,but made no attempt to take any of the three bananas in the fruit basket."What now?"
    I thought.
    "Which one would you like?" I asked.
    "That one," she pointed at one of the bananas.So all the while thinking about Russian politeness,I
    picked the banana Yulya had pointed at and peeled it half way and handed it to her.Smiles in Yulya and
    Nicoli's faces told me I had done the right thing.After this experience I spent much time letting the world
    know that in Russia,the polite thing is to peel the bananas for the ladies.Sometime during my third trip I was
    "Oh no,Grigorii Davidovich," a Russian graciously corrected me."In Russia,when a man peels a banana
    for a lady,it means he has a romantic interest in her." How embarrassed I felt!
    1.The main purpose of the writer is probably to tell us ________.
    A. what good manners are in Russia
    B. the different ways to eat bananas in Russia
    C. his interesting working experience in Russia
    D. the cultural difference he has experienced in Russia
    2.The author first went to Russia to ________.
    A. teach agricultural labor management
    B. work as an assistant in a Russian university
    C. offer help in a certain area
    D. meet some old friends there
    3.Why most probably did Yulya and Nicolai smile when the author handed the peeled banana?
    A. They wanted to hide their anger.
    B. They were secretly laughing at the author.
    C. They were very happy with what the author did.
    D. They showed their understanding of the author.
    4.After his experience with Yulya,the author probably thought ________.
    A. he knew how to be polite to a lady in Russia
    B. he had made a funny mistake
    C. one should be careful when peeling bananas for ladies
    D. one should not peel bananas for ladies
    本题信息:2013年江苏同步题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:刘平(高中英语)
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