

  • 阅读理解
                                                              Sending Signals Without Words

    Body language is extremely important in an interviewing situation. Some would argue that it is just as
    important as what you say and what is on your resume (个人简历). Why? Because we can learn quite a bit
    about people from their non-verbal actions. This is one of the ways that an interviewer tries to size you up
    as a candidate (求职应征者).
    When we are in stressful or uncomfortable situations, many of us have habits that can be distracting (使
    不安的) to other people. Certainly biting ones nails or fidgeting with ones' hands could be distracting from
    what you are trying to say. These are examples of body language that can be harmful in an interviewing
    situation. Used correctly, however, body language can reinforce (加强,增强) what you are saying and give
    greater impact to your statements. The following are tips to help you give the right non-verbal clues.
      The Seven Signals for Success
    So far we have focused primarily on the pitfalls (缺陷) to avoid; but what messages should be sent, and how? Here are seven general suggestions on good body language for the interview.
    1. Walk slowly, deliberately, and tall upon entering the room.
    2. On greeting the interviewer, give (and, hopefully, receive) a friendly "eyebrow flash": that brief, slight
    raising of the brows that calls attention to the face, encourages eye contact, and (when accompanied by a
    natural smile)sends the strong positive signal that the interview has gotten off to a good start.
    3. Use mirroring techniques. In other words, make an effort-subtly!-to reproduce the positive signals your
    interviewer sends. (Of course, you should never mirror negative body signals.) Say the interviewer leans
    forward to make a point; a few moments later, you lean forward slightly in order to hear better. Say the
    interviewer leans back and laughs; you "laugh beneath" the interviewer's laughter, taking care not to overwhelm
    your interviewer by using an inappropriate volume level. This technique may seem contrived at first, but you
    will learn that it is far from that, if only you experiment a little.
    4. Maintain a naturally alert head position; keep your head up and your eyes front at all times.
    5. Remember to avert your gaze from time to time so as to avoid the impression that you are staring; when
    you do so, look confidently and calmly to the right or left; never look down.
    6. Do not hurry any movement. 7.Relax with every breath.
    【个性思考】 What can make you succeed except what we know in this passage?
    In my view ____________________________________________________________________________
    本题信息:2011年同步题英语阅读理解难度极难 来源:张雪
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本试题 “阅读理解。 Sending Signals Without WordsBody language is extremely important in an interviewing situation. Some would argue that it is just asimpor...” 主要考查您对


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