

  • 阅读理解
    Psychologists in Britain have said that the last full week of January is the most depressing time of year
    and labeled next Monday "Blue Monday".  1   
    Mondays are generally seen as the worst day of the week because people feel tired at having to go
    back to work after a weekend with a different sleep pattern. There are various reasons why more people
    feel depressed at this time of year. Many people have unpaid credit card bills for the Christmas presents
    they bought, and pay day is often not until the end of the month.
      2  People feel stressed because they have to go back to real life--work and commuting (go to work
    by bus); and they may be unhappy with their body image after bingeing (大吃大喝) on booze, chocolates, and other food at Christmas-time. People may have already failed in their New Year's resolutions, such
    as give up smoking. The bad weather in January can also contribute to people feeling tired.
      3  They offered advice for any staffs who are feeling depressed. They hope that helping people as
    soon as there are signs of depression will avoid absenteeism(旷工).Evidence shows that unreasonable
    managers who lead to their staff feeling tired at this time can expect an uncooperative workforce.
    However, it's not all bad!  4   They think that things can only get better. Psychologists offer suggestions of how to avoid feeling blue. These include spending 15 minutes doing a "gratitude exercise" thinking about and writing down what you are grateful for, such as health, family, friends and so on. Taking up a new
    hobby, doing some exercise, going to bed earlier, eating a healthy breakfast, and listening to some uplifting music, are all recommended as ways to feel more cheerful.
    A. The party season is over.
    B. Blue is a slang(俚语) way of saying unhappy.
    C. Many people feel optimistic at this time.
    D. People should plan better next December.
    E. Some companies are taking this quite seriously
    本题信息:2012年浙江省期中题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:刘婷婷
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