

  • 完形填空
    In a class I teach adults, I recently did something "unpardonable (不可饶恕的)" I gave the class homework!
    The  1  was to "go to someone you love within the next week and tell them you love them". It has to be someone
    you have never said those words to before or at least haven't  2  those words with for a long time.
    Now that doesn't sound like a very  3  assignment until you realize that most of the men were over 35 and
    were  4  in the generation of men that were taught that  5  emotion is not macho (阳刚的). Showing feelings
    or crying was just not done. So this was a very  6  assignment for them.
    At the beginning of our next class, I asked if someone wanted to share  7  happened when they told someone
    the loved them I  8  expected one of the women to  9  , as was usually the ease, but on this evening one of the
    men raised his hand first He appeared quite 10 and a bit shaken.
    As he 11 out of his chair (all 6feet and 2 inches of him), he began by saying, "Dennis, I was quite 12 with
    you last week when you gave us this assignment. I didn't feel that I had anyone to say those words to and besides
    who were you to tell me to do something 13 personal?"
    "But as I began driving home, my 14 started talking to me It was telling me that I knew 15 who I needed
    to say I love you too."
    "You see, five years ago, my father and I had a severe 16 and really never solve it since that time. We 17 
    seeing each other 18 we absolutely had to at Christmas or other family gatherings. 19 even then, we hardly
    spoke to each other."
    "So last Tuesday by the time I got home, I had 20 myself was going to tell my father I love him."
    (     )1.A. 1esson      
    (     )2.A. shared      
    (     )3.A. easy        
    (     )4.A. carried     
    (     )5.A. valuing     
    (     )6.A. boring      
    (     )7.A. what        
    (     )8.A. freely      
    (     )9.A. attempt     
    (     )10.A. afraid     
    (     )11.A. jumped     
    (     )12.A. satisfied  
    (     )13.A. that       
    (     )14.A. hear       
    (     )15.A. naturally  
    (     )16.A. expedience       
    (     )17.A. avoided    
    (     )18.A. once       
    (     )19.A. And        
    (     )20.A. puzzled    
    B. project         
    B. explained   
    B. serious        
    B. raised        
    B. maxing       
    B. amazing       
    B. that           
    B. fully         
    B. organize       
    B. moved        
    B. stepped         
    B. pleased      
    B. such         
    B. senses          
    B. possibly      
    B. warning      
    B. stopped             
    B. since         
    B. But            
    B. enjoyed    
    C. assignment         
    C. reminded       
    C. curious           
    C. encouraged      
    C. expressing        
    C. interesting        
    C. which            
    C. slowly             
    C. volunteer      
    C. confused         
    C. unfolded           
    C. familiar        
    C. much           
    C. patience           
    C. exactly         
    C. tongue           
    C started          
    C. unless           
    C. Thus                
    C. controlled   
    D. activity         
    D. imagined        
    D. difficult          
    D. taught         
    D. getting            
    D. demanding         
    D. as               
    D. aimlessly          
    D. manage          
    D. delighted        
    D. walked              
    D. angry           
    D. too             
    D. honors            
    D. curiously       
    D. disagreement                
    D. continued       
    D. if               
    D. Meanwhile             
    D. persuaded  

    本题信息:2010年0120模拟题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:张雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完型填空。In a class I teach adults, I recently did something "unpardonable (不可饶恕的)" I gave the class homework!The 1 was to "go to someone you...” 主要考查您对


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