

  • 阅读理解
    Several years ago, the mayor of Chicago, Illinois, visited Germany, a leader in green roof design. Later he decided to have vegetation planted on Chicago City Hall. Today, the tops of many other buildings also
    look like parks. In Canada, the Coast Plaza Hotel in Vancouver has a forest on its roof. New York City
    has an unusual example farm for hydroponics. The farm is on a boat called the Science Barge. Rainwater
    and river water are used to grow lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. The farm shows the
    possibilities for designing rooftop systems.
    Green roofs are designed to save energy and capture rainwater. Rooftops covered with plants help
    keep buildings cool. They can extend the life of a roof. And they can reduce water running off into streets
    and storming water systems.
    Experts say green roofs usually do not get much above 27℃. So temperatures might not be a problem for growing. But rooftop gardeners have to be careful not to put too much weight on the roof. This is true whether plants are grown in soil or water.
    Earlier in 2008, researchers in Texas reported that green roofs can reduce a building's air conditioning
    costs by about one fifth compared to blacktop roofs. But they also reported that not all green roofs
    perform equally well. They found that designs differ in their ability to keep buildings cool and to capture
    rainwater. The researchers put experimental roofs on top of metal insulated (隔热的) boxes, to recreate
    green roof conditions. The study compared products from six companies to help businesses understand
    how to improve their designs. Each rooftop had sixteen different kinds of plants native to Texas. The
    researchers say the presence of native plants likely helped all the green roofs capture water better
    compared to sedums. Sedums are plants that need little water and often are used on green roofs. The
    native plants could take in more water and release more of it to the atmosphere.
    1. The author gave Paragraph 1 to _____.
    A. tell us what is green roof design
    B. tell us Germany is the country that leads or guides the  green roof design
    C. introduce some famous hotels in the world
    D. lead to the topic of the passage
    2. The advantages of green roofs are mentioned in the passage  EXCEPT _____.
    A. changing the local weather
    B. prolonging the roof's life
    C. keeping the house cool
    D. reducing the house's air conditioning costs
    3. According to the passage, which conclusion is WRONG?
    A. Sometimes green roofs may break down the house.
    B. Not all the green roofs can reduce the building's air  conditioning costs equally.
    C. Different designs of green roofs have different effects on buildings.
    D. Sedums are a kind of plants native to Texas.
    4. The experiment is mentioned in the last paragraph _____.
    A. to find out how many different plants in Texas
    B. to show us how to design green roofs
    C. to introduce a kind of roof made of metal
    D. to provide proofs to improve the design of green roofs
    本题信息:2012年月考题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:刘倩
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本试题 “阅读理解。Several years ago, the mayor of Chicago, Illinois, visited Germany, a leader in green roof design. Later he decided to have vegetation pl...” 主要考查您对


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