

  • 完形填空
    The next week, the man called Jimmy Calkins next to me raised his hand and volunteered this story:
    While making my list, I remembered an incident from high school. I  1  in a small town in Iowa. There
    was a sheriff (警长) in town that  2  of us kids liked. One night, my two friends and I  3  to play a trick
    on Sheriff Brown. After drinking a few beers, we found a can of red  4  , climbed the tall water tank in the
    middle of town, and  5  on the tank in bright red letters: Sheriff Brown is an S.O.B. (脏话). The next day,
    the town arose to  6  our glorious sign.  7  two hours, Sheriff Brown had my two friends and me in his
    office. My friends  8  but I lied, refusing to tell the truth. I had thought no one ever found out.
    Nearly 20 years later, Sheriff Brown's name  9  on my list. I didn't even know if he was still alive. Last
    weekend, I dialed the 10 in my hometown back in Iowa. Sure enough, there was a Roger Brown still 11 .
    I dialed his number. After a few 12 , I heard:"Hello?" I said:"Sheriff Brown?" Pause. " 13 ." "Well, this is
    Jimmy Calkins. And I want you to know that I did it." Pause. "I 14  it!" he cried. We had a good laugh and
    a lively 15 . His closing words were:"Jimmy, I always felt 16 for you because your friends got 17 off their
    chest, which I knew you were carrying around all these years. I want to thank you for calling me...for your
    sake (好处)."
    Jimmy 18 me to clear up all 101 pieces on my list. It took me almost two years, but became a true 19 
    for my career as a conflict mediator (矛盾调解者). No matter how 20  the conflict, crisis (危机) or situation
    is, I always remember that it's never too late to clear up the past and begin a new life.
    (     )1.A. grew up   
    (     )2.A. all       
    (     )3.A. decided   
    (     )4.A. wine      
    (     )5.A. printed   
    (     )6.A. find      
    (     )7.A. Within    
    (     )8.A. apologized
    (     )9.A. disappeared
    (     )10.A. knowledge
    (     )11.A. listed   
    (     )12.A. hours    
    (     )13.A. Again    
    (     )14.A. knew     
    (     )15.A. interview
    (     )16.A. happily  
    (     )17.A. it       
    (     )18.A. caused   
    (     )19.A. experience
    (     )20.A. special  
    B. brought up  
    B. none        
    B. hoped       
    B. ink         
    B. described   
    B. watch       
    B. Before      
    B. promised    
    B. appeared    
    B. messages    
    B. contained   
    B. rings       
    B. Yes         
    B. believed    
    B. communication
    B. badly       
    B. you         
    B. advised     
    B. encouragement  
    B. stable      
    C. cleared up 
    C. most       
    C. expected   
    C. beer       
    C. wrote      
    C. see        
    C. Till       
    C. admitted   
    C. seemed     
    C. news       
    C. lived      
    C. calls      
    C. No         
    C. guessed    
    C. touch      
    C. lively     
    C. that       
    C. persuaded     
    C. lesson     
    C. difficult  
    D. made up    
    D. little     
    D. demanded   
    D. paint      
    D. drew       
    D. think      
    D. After      
    D. received   
    D. looked     
    D. information           
    D. filled     
    D. words      
    D. Ok         
    D. supposed   
    D. discussion 
    D. mean       
    D. this       
    D. inspired   
    D. story      
    D. smooth     

    本题信息:2011年广西自治区模拟题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:张雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空。The next week, the man called Jimmy Calkins next to me raised his hand and volunteered this story:While making my list, I remembered an i...” 主要考查您对


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