

  • 完形填空
    An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer of his plans tothe house-building
    business to live a more  2  life with his wife and  3 his extended family. He would miss the paycheck (工
    资) each week, but he wanted to retire. They could  4 .
    The employer was  5  to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a
    personal favor. The carpenter said yes,  6  over time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work.
    He used bad workmanship and  7  materials. It was an unfortunate way to  8  a dedicated (献身的)career.
    When the carpenter finished his work, his employer came to  9  the house. Then he handed the front-door 10 to the carpenter and said, "This is your house... my 31 to you."
    The carpenter was shocked!
    What a 12 ! If he had only known he was building his own house, he would have done it all so
      13  it is with us. We build our lives, a day at a time, often putting 14 than our best into the building.
    Then, with a shock, we 15 we have to live in the house we have built. If we could do it over, we would
    do it much differently.
    But, you cannot 16 .You are the carpenter, and every day you hammer a nail, place a board, or build
    a wall. Someone 17  said, "Life is a do-it-yourself project." Your 18 ,  and the choices you  19  today,
    help build the "house" you will live in tomorrow. Therefore, build  20  !
    (     )1. A. continue      
    (     )2. A. leisurely      
    (     )3. A. support        
    (     )4. A. go off        
    (     )5. A. polite        
    (     )6. A. but            
    (     )7. A. perfect        
    (     )8. A. satisfy        
    (     )9. A. buy            
    (     )10. A. roof          
    (     )11. A. gift          
    (     )12. A. disappointment
    (     )13. A. So            
    (     )14. A. worse        
    (     )15. A. realize      
    (     )16. A. step forward  
    (     )17. A. never        
    (     )18. A. attitude      
    (     )19. A. learn        
    (     )20. A. badly        
    B. start      
    B. lonely    
    B. share      
    B. get by    
    B. nervous    
    B. while      
    B. inferior  
    B. improve    
    B. repair    
    B. window    
    B. promise    
    B. shame      
    B. Yet        
    B. more      
    B. explain    
    B. go back    
    B. again      
    B. experience
    B. take      
    B. wisely    
    C. leave    
    C. orderly  
    C. enjoy    
    C. pass on  
    C. proud    
    C. which    
    C. superior
    C. meet    
    C. inspect  
    C. key      
    C. salary  
    C. pleasur  
    C. As      
    C. rather  
    C. think    
    C. come out
    C. once    
    C. skill    
    C. see      
    C. early    
    D. find        
    D. friendly    
    D. care        
    D. work away    
    D. sorry        
    D. before      
    D. tough        
    D. end          
    D. sell        
    D. design      
    D. words        
    D. success      
    D. Such        
    D. less        
    D. admit        
    D. look around  
    D. nearly      
    D. advantage    
    D. make        
    D. confidently  

    本题信息:2012年四川省模拟题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:刘婷婷
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空。An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer of his plans to1 the house-buildingbusiness to live a more 2 life with his...” 主要考查您对


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