

  • 完形填空
    Carmen's mother Maria had just survived a serious heart attack. But without a heart transplant her life
    was in constant __1__.
    Both the mother and the daughter knew that the chances were very __2__: finding a donor heart
    that __3__  Maria's blood type could take years. __4__, Carmen was determined to save her mother.
    She kept __5__  hospitals all over the country.
    Days stretched out. By Christmas, Maria had trouble __6__ from one end of the room to the other.
    Carmen lost all hope. She fell into a __7__  of the hospital, crying.
    "Are you okay?" a man asked.
    Carmen sobbed as she told the stranger her __8__. This middleaged man was named Frank, whose
    wife, Cheryl, a tender and devoted mother of four lovely children, had been in hospital with a brain
    disease and wouldn't __9__  it through the night. Suddenly, an idea came to Frank's mind. He knew
    Cheryl had always wanted to __10__ something from herself. Could her __11__  go to Carmen's mother?
    After reviewing the data, doctors __12__ Fank that his wife's heart was by some miracle a perfect
    __13__ for Carmen's mother. They were able to __14__ the transplant.
    That cold night, when Cheryl was  __15__  dead, Frank came to knock at Maria's door. She was
    __16__ for Frank's family as she had been doing every day recently. Though Maria had never met
    Frank before, they both felt a strange __17__ as they hugged and cried. On New Year's Eve, Carmen
    attended Cheryl's __18__ with Frank's family, who were singing their favorite song"My heart will go on".
    One day later, on New Year's Day, Maria __19__ with Cheryl's heart. Yes, Cheryl's loving heart would
    go on, for it was  __20__  in another loving mother's chest.
    (     )1. A. change      
    (     )2. A. small      
    (     )3. A. matched    
    (     )4. A. Certainly  
    (     )5. A. finding    
    (     )6. A. rolling    
    (     )7. A. corner      
    (     )8. A. mother      
    (     )9. A. put        
    (     )10. A.save        
    (     )11. A.heart      
    (     )12. A.informed    
    (     )13. A.copy        
    (     )14. A.give up    
    (     )15. A.noticed    
    (     )16. A.praying    
    (     )17. A.belief      
    (     )18. A.funeral    
    (     )19. A.passed away
    (     )20. A.active      
    B. danger        
    B. distant      
    B. replaced      
    B. Otherwise    
    B. phoning      
    B. running      
    B. bed          
    B. story        
    B. support      
    B. recycle      
    B. brain        
    B. warned        
    B. fit          
    B. carry out    
    B. predicted    
    B. begging      
    B. love          
    B. operation    
    B. woke up      
    B. alive        
    C. disorder    
    C. hard        
    C. controlled  
    C. However      
    C. touring      
    C. walking      
    C. man          
    C. error        
    C. pass        
    C. donate      
    C. husband      
    C. celebrated  
    C. variation    
    C. search after
    C. found        
    C. decorating  
    C. bond        
    C. performance  
    C. left behind  
    C. necessary    
    D. pain          
    D. precious      
    D. cooperated    
    D. So            
    D. interrupting  
    D. jumping      
    D. nurse        
    D. dream        
    D. make          
    D. separate      
    D. spirit        
    D. reminded      
    D. baby          
    D. put off      
    D. declared      
    D. singing      
    D. relief        
    D. anniversary  
    D. dressed up    
    D. changeable    

    本题信息:2013年四川省同步题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:张铁富(高中英语)
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空Carmen's mother Maria had just survived a serious heart attack. But without a heart transplant her lifewas in constant __1__.Both the mothe...” 主要考查您对


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