

  • 阅读理解
    I'm a volunteer for The American Diabetes (糖尿病) Association(ADA). I am on the planning committee
    for a one-day cycling event called "Tour de Cure". It's sponsored by the ADA and the profits( 利润) of this
    event are used for diabetes research and program funding.
    While I was talking to people about our "Tour de Cure" event in downtown Denver one day, I met a young
    boy wearing a red hat from Oklahoma named Jack. I think he was 10-11 years old. It was the jar of red
    rubber wrist bands (The American Diabetes Association diabetes awareness wrist bands) that caught Jack's
    eye. These are the bands we give out to people who have diabetes, who have a family member who has
    diabetes or to those people who know someone who has diabetes.
    People wear these for a variety of reasons: in memory of a loved one, to promote diabetes awareness and
    to show support for people who have diabetes. Jack walked towards me eyeing the jar and then he said, "Can
    I have one of those?" So, I replied to Jack, "Do you have someone in your family who has diabetes?" Jack
    said,"No, but I know someone who has diabetes." So I gave him one to wear for his friend.
    Then, Jack began looking at our "Tour de Cure" photo album. When Jack had finished and was about to
    go, he looked up at me and said,"Would you take a donation?" I was surprised to hear this from a
    10-11-year-old boy, but I said, "Yes." I took the lid of our donation container off as Jack was reaching into
    his pocket. His hand came out clinched around the donation he was about to make. It was my impression that
    what he had in his hand was everything he had in his pocket, as he did not count it. After Jack dropped his
    donation into the container, I gave him a high-five, as I so often do to acknowledge an accomplishment or
    an appreciation. I also gave him a handshake before he parted. After Jack left, I counted his gift-$3.00. I then
    realized that he gave all he had, without counting the cost.
    The heart of a child made me smile that day. Thank you, Jack.
    1. What attracted Jack to walk towards the author?
    A. The jar
    B. The hat
    C. The photo album
    D. The donation container
    2. It was probable that Jack wore a wrist band to _____.
    A. prove his confidence in fighting diabetes
    B. promote his strong diabetes awareness
    C. express his love for his family members
    D. support his friend who has diabetes
    3. That Jack wanted to make a donation surprised the author because the author thought_____.
    A. Jack was telling a lie to him
    B. Jack was playing a joke on him
    C. Jack was brave enough to do so
    D. Jack was a great person for his age
    4. What would be the best title of the passage?
    A. A lovely boy I met
    B. The heart of a child
    C. A moving day I spent
    D. The donation of a child
    本题信息:2012年辽宁省月考题英语阅读理解难度较难 来源:姜雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读理解。I'm a volunteer for The American Diabetes (糖尿病) Association(ADA). I am on the planning committeefor a one-day cycling event called "To...” 主要考查您对


  • 故事类阅读




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