

  • 完形填空
    The first event of my life to be printed into my memory occurred when I was three. My mother stands,
    working in the  1  and then glances at me with a  2  smile. Two feet down the table, I knock on a chair with
    a bowl and a spoon,  3  my own invisible (无形的) powder. We wear  4  dresses, mine the leftover  5  from
    hers, sky blue-mommy's favorite color. I am her shadow.
    However, by 14 I could not  6  my mother. All that I heard every day was no.I wanted to dye my hair and
    she said no. I wanted to  7  late with my friends and she said no. I didn't understand why she said no. She was
    trying to  8  me from aches and pains and mistakes  9  in her teens. Several years later, I finally understood her, but it was too late. She became ill. I cried and  10 ,"Don't take her, God, please! She is my mother, my mommy
    , the woman who gave me life. All my years,  11  the bad times and the good, she has been there, 12  to me
    forever by an invisible umbilical cord (脐带) that lasts longer after birth." But this cord, this love could do nothing to stop the cancer from 13 .
    A few years later 14  I myself lay in the hospital bed, my newly born daughter was  15  in my arms. cried
    and smiled and prayed. Please help me to  16  her into a wonderful girl. And looking down  17  her eyes, I
    could see the message they held, "Your  18  would be proud."
    I stand in the kitchen now, and these thoughts flashed through my mind. I glance at my young daughter. A
      19  feeling rushes through my soul as I take in the familiar  20  . I am my mother's shadow.
    (     ) 1. A. kitchen    
    (     ) 2. A. lovely     
    (     ) 3. A. preparing  
    (     ) 4. A. same       
    (     ) 5. A. material   
    (     ) 6. A. stand      
    (     ) 7. A. keep up    
    (     ) 8. A. save       
    (     ) 9. A. watched    
    (     )10. A. screamed   
    (     )11. A. through    
    (     )12. A. connected  
    (     )13. A. spreading  
    (     )14. A. when       
    (     )15. A. placed     
    (     )16. A. change     
    (     )17. A. for        
    (     )18. A. daughter   
    (     )19. A. warm       
    (     )20. A. saying     
    B. dining room
    B. lively    
    B. mixed     
    B. similar   
    B. clothes   
    B. agree     
    B. keep on   
    B. warn      
    B. liked     
    B. said      
    B. in         
    B. shared    
    B. growing   
    B. before    
    B. given     
    B. support   
    B. through   
    B. mother    
    B. strange   
    B. scene     
    C. sitting room  
    C. loving        
    C. mixing        
    C. different     
    C. dress         
    C. know          
    C. stay up       
    C. help          
    C. heard       
    C. shouted     
    C. on            
    C. concerned     
    C. escaping    
    C. since         
    C. thrown        
    C. bring         
    C. up            
    C. children      
    C. painful       
    C. drawing     
    D. garden     
    D. horrible   
    D. prepared   
    D. matching   
    D. clothing   
    D. realize    
    D. stay out   
    D. stop       
    D. experienced
    D. prayed     
    D. within     
    D. joined     
    D. moving     
    D. then       
    D. taken      
    D. raise      
    D. into       
    D. friends    
    D. exciting   
    D. paint                     

    本题信息:2011年同步题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:姜雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空。The first event of my life to be printed into my memory occurred when I was three. My mother stands,working in the 1 and then glances at ...” 主要考查您对


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