

  • 阅读理解
    A long time ago, Milton S. Hershey, the creator of the popular chocolate bars, was dipped in warm
    chocolate. I know all about it. My grandfather was there!
    At nineteen, Hershey established a candy business in Philadelphia. Although it failed, he tried again
    in several other cities and succeeded with Crystal A Caramels. But Hershey was not content. He began
    experimenting with chocolate and managed to sell his first chocolate bars in 1900. They were an instant
    success. In 1903, Hershey built a factory.
    Hershey was usually pleasant and kind and enjoyed a good joke. However, in his chocolate factory,
    he held high standards for all the workers. He was both respected and feared. His anger would burst
    out when things didn't go as he'd expected, and workers were fired for mistakes.
    My grandfather began working in the factory as a young man. His job was to push the vats (大桶)
    of warm chocolate to a storage area. To do this, he had to push the heavy vats up a ramp (斜坡) and
    across the walkway. One day, Hershey was walking backward on the walkway while my grandfather
    was pushing a vat of chocolate up the ramp. Bump. Clunk. Ker-plop! Hershey fell backward into the vat.
    Everyone else held their breath and ran up to pull him out. Grandfather froze in fear. Was he going to
    lose his job?
    Hershey stood stiffly with his hands on his hips. Color rose in his face. He said something in a low
    voice. Then he smiled. "It's not your fault, son," he said. "I need to watch where I'm going." He put
    some chocolate in his mouth. "Mmm, that's good," he said. Everyone laughed. The tour continued, with
    Hershey dripping chocolate as he went. And Grandfather kept his job.
    1. What did Grandfather do in Hershey's factory? (回答词数不超过12个)
    2. Why didn't Hershey fire Grandfather? (回答词数不超过10个)
    3. What does the incident show us about Hershey? (回答词数不超过15个)
    本题信息:2009年湖南省高考真题英语阅读理解难度极难 来源:张雪
  • 本题答案
本试题 “阅读下面短文,根据第1至第3小题的具体要求,简要回答问题。A long time ago, Milton S. Hershey, the creator of the popular chocolate bars, was dipped i...” 主要考查您对


  • 故事类阅读




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