

  • 完形填空
    Colby Point is a small town. A little girl named Margie lived there with her grandparents,   Bill and
    Margie always looked forward to the __1__ of Christmas and this year was no __2__ as winter
    began to settle like a warm blanket around the small town. Everyone was __3__ at the church; the
    congregation(教堂的会众) were__4__ to share their Christmas wishes with each other. __1__ Cleo
    couldn't make it to the church,   and Bill didn't like to __6__ her alone for long,   he dropped Margie
    off at the church early that morning.
    As Margie sat in church,   she __7__ in her mind over and over what she would say. The pastor
    said,   "This is a __8__ time of year and we want to __9__ your Christmas wishes. We cannot   10  
    everyone's wish,   but we would like to try and help you realize a few. As I call your name,   please
      11   and tell us about your Christmas  12   ."
    One after another,   the church members  13  their wishes,   large and small. Margie was  14   and
    the youngest to speak. As she looked at the congregation,   she spoke  15  ,   "I would like my grandma
    to come to the church. She cannot walk,   and she and my grandpa have to stay at home. They  16 
    coming so much. So that is  17  I wish for. And please don't tell them,   for it needs to be  18   ."
    Grandpa was getting on his coat  19  he happened to look out the front window. He saw some cars
    coming down the dirt road. Now at this time of the year there wasn't too much  20  ,   so this was really
    amazing. Grandpa looked at Grandma,   and they both looked at Margie. Grandpa asked,   "Just what
    did you wish for,   Margie?"
    "I wished that you and Grandma could go to the church."
    (     )1. A. speech        
    (     )2. A. expression    
    (     )3. A. worried        
    (     )4. A. begging        
    (     )5. A. Therefore      
    (     )6. A. take          
    (     )7. A. practiced      
    (     )8. A. characteristic
    (     )9. A. realize        
    (     )10. A. complete      
    (     )11. A. look forward  
    (     )12. A. wish          
    (     )13. A. shared        
    (     )14. A. the first    
    (     )15. A. anxiously    
    (     )16. A. mind          
    (     )17. A. what          
    (     )18. A. a promise    
    (     )19. A. where        
    (     )20. A. arrangement  
    B. arrival    
    B. example    
    B. excited    
    B. coming      
    B. Once        
    B. keep        
    B. watched    
    B. special    
    B. notice      
    B. finish      
    B. come across
    B. intention  
    B. preferred  
    B. the last    
    B. properly    
    B. miss        
    B. why        
    B. a pleasure  
    B. which      
    B. attention  
    C. praise      
    C. exception    
    C. determined  
    C. preparing    
    C. Until        
    C. leave        
    C. waited      
    C. similar      
    C. hear        
    C. achieve      
    C. come through
    C. attempt      
    C. showed      
    C. the earliest
    C. confidently  
    C. forget      
    C. how          
    C. an offer    
    C. when        
    C. service      
    D. presentation
    D. extinction  
    D. bored        
    D. regretting  
    D. Since        
    D. force        
    D. conducted    
    D. particular  
    D. announce    
    D. fulfill      
    D. come forward
    D. present      
    D. said        
    D. the best    
    D. seriously    
    D. avoid        
    D. that        
    D. a surprise  
    D. before      
    D. traffic      

    本题信息:2013年四川省同步题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:耿辉(高中英语)
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空Colby Point is a small town. A little girl named Margie lived there with her grandparents, Bill andCleo.Margie always looked forward to the...” 主要考查您对


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