

  • 完形填空
    I was tired and hungry after a long day of work. When I walked into the livingroom, my 12yearold
    son looked up at me and said, "I__1_you." I did not__2__what to say, and I just stood there, looking
    __3__at him. My first__4 _was that he__5__need help with his homework. Then I asked, "What was
    that all__6__?"
    "Nothing," he said, "My teacher said we should tell our parents we love them and__7__what they
    The next day I called his teacher to__8__more about what my son said and how the other parents had
    reacted( 反应). "Most of the fathers had the__9__response as you did," the teacher said, "When I first
    __10__that we try this, I asked the children__11__they thought their parents__12 _say. Some of them
    thought their parents would have heart trouble."
    Then the teacher__13__, " I want my students to know that feeling love is an important part of
    __14 __.  I'm trying to tell them it's too bad that we don't express our feelings. A boy__15__tell his
    father or mother he loves him or her." The teacher understands that sometimes it is__16__for some of
    us to say something that is good for us to say.
    That evening when my son__17__to me, I took him in my arms and held on for an__18__moment,
    saying, "Hey, I love you,__19__." I don't know if saying that made__20 _of us healthier, but it did feel
    pretty good.
    (     )1. A. hate        
    (     )2. A. realize    
    (     )3. A. away        
    (     )4. A. thought    
    (     )5. A. must        
    (     )6. A. for        
    (     )7. A. test        
    (     )8. A. talk to    
    (     )9. A. same        
    (     )10. A. allowed    
    (     )11. A. how        
    (     )12. A. would      
    (     )13. A. explained  
    (     )14. A. study      
    (     )15. A. might      
    (     )16. A. easy      
    (     )17. A. turned    
    (     )18. A. extra      
    (     )19. A. either    
    (     )20. A. all        
    B. love      
    B. recognize  
    B. for        
    B. meaning    
    B. should    
    B. with      
    B. know      
    B. chat with  
    B. different  
    B. agreed    
    B. whether    
    B. will      
    B. prepared  
    B. work      
    B. can        
    B. difficult  
    B. shouted    
    B. ordinary  
    B. too        
    B. either    
    C. like        
    C. know        
    C. down        
    C. news        
    C. could        
    C. around      
    C. understand  
    C. find out    
    C. usual        
    C. planned      
    C. when        
    C. could        
    C. informed    
    C. health      
    C. should      
    C. crazy        
    C. went        
    C. interesting  
    C. also        
    C. none        
    D. enjoy        
    D. find        
    D. on          
    D. reason      
    D. would        
    D. about        
    D. see          
    D. do with      
    D. unusual      
    D. suggested    
    D. what        
    D. can          
    D. developed    
    D. body        
    D. need        
    D. silly        
    D. came        
    D. important    
    D. again        
    D. neither      

    本题信息:2013年陕西省同步题英语完形填空难度较难 来源:刘婷婷
  • 本题答案
本试题 “完形填空I was tired and hungry after a long day of work. When I walked into the livingroom, my 12yearoldson looked up at me and said, "I__1_you." I...” 主要考查您对


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